
Is weed (marijuana) bad for you?

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But seriously I need proof in order for you to convince me because I'm getting really tired of all this right-wing conservative bull$hit that I've been hearing about this natural plant.




  1. Ok this is the one hundred percent truth. Do not let anyone tell you different. Even some of the idiots on here. Marijuana, like everything else, has negative and positive side effects. Now, it is illegal, and why? Because it is a plant, if the government made it legal, they would lose money. Becasue you can't grow oxycontin. You can't make their drugs. But yeah, the smoke in the lungs, it can hurt you. Lots of things in it can. But, there are positive side effects too. They prescribe to aids and cancer patients to sedate them in case of pain and get rid of nasuea so they can eat. So never let anyone tell you it is wrong and evil. It does lots of good things. Should you do it recreationally all the time? No, just sometimes when you are doing nothing and want to be laid back. So remember, if you can make it, it is illegal by the government cause they'll lose money on it.

  2. it's fiiiiiine. hasn't killed anyone yet, has it?! noooope.

  3. i use to smoke it all day but i dont no more for two years i have not and i am more awake now and i dont sleep all the time like i use to!!

    I dont think its bad but it will make you sleep and eat lots more than you should!

  4. It has more carcinogens that ya.

  5. Not any more than alcohol or tobacco. The reason why it's illegal is because the alcohol, tobacco, timber, and paper industries don't want any competition. Did you know you can make 7 times the amount of paper with an acre of hemp than you can an acre of trees? Also, marijuana does have medicinal purposes, but they never tell you that. The tobacco and alcohol industries don't want to have to compete with marijuana. FYI pure tobacco is also a hallucinogen. That's what many Native American shamans used to smoke in order to put themselves in a religious trance.

  6. really it isnt, you prolly shouldnt get high, but out of all the recreational drugs, that is the safest one. Its impossible to overdose on it, it dosent have physical addiction, its even has medical purposes, as cigarretes and alcohol dont. and both cigarretes and alcohol are highly addicting and bad for you. Marijuana is completely safe.

  7. It's illegal, otherwise amongst all my friends, I;ve never noticed anything bad happen.

  8. Many people are misinformed about marijuana. Cigarettes have much more tar than the buds of marijuana do(but if you smoke the leaves of the plant then there is more tar than in tobacco, but who the h**l smokes the leaves?). Many people with asthma look to marijuana to provide relief. Unlike tobacco, marijuana is an expectorant and dilates the air channels in your lungs. People who smoke tobacco and marijuana are shown to live 7 to 10 years longer than a person who just smokes tobacco. Marijuana can clear the lungs of smogs, pollutants, and cigarette smoke.

    Marijuana is also not addictive in any way, and is hardly bad for you. Even the DEA's own administrative law judge frances  young has declared that "Marijuana in its natural form is far more safer than many foods we commonly consume.

    Please people, learn your facts from an unbiased source and you will hear the truth about marijuana.

  9. hmm try it and see  then youll know and have proof since you did it

  10. not really, depends on what u use i for.

  11. i second bryan s!!!!

  12. The ONLY reason it's bad for you is because of the primary means of ingestion- smoking.

    Smoking is bad.



    If you can afford it, try finding a vaporizer, or use a bong.

    Vaporizers get rid of a LOT of the irritating stuff in weed, and it maximizes the effect of THC in your system.

    Also, try cooking with it, make cannabutter instead of just putting it in stuff.

    Google is your friend, look up healthy ways to use pot.

    tip- it has to be HEATED before the bulk of the THC can be released, so simmer some bud in some butter, don't let it boil, just simmer.

    (it WILL SMELL STRONG! so don't do it if your in an apartment)

    I would MUCH rather someone smoke some herb every now and then than drink.

    Think about it!

    How many people have you heard of that come home and beat their wife and kids after smoking a s#itload of weed???


    Smoking is what is harmfull, NOT weed.

    Of course, always use in modration, as you CAN become resistant to it (NOT ADDICTED!) and need more to achieve the same effect.

    And don't be stupid when you smoke.

    If you;re gonna get high, MAKE SURE you have a place to chill and enjoy it, instead of having to worry about finding a ride home (major buzzkill!)

    Hope this helps!

  13. I've seen and felt what it can do. It makes you either addicted and grouchy, or lazy, or zitty, or can give you lung cancer, or kill your brain cells. I know this one guy who sounds like a very slow person, and he would always say in the DUMBEST voice, "I smoked pot for my whole life, and it never did anything to ME!" wellll if you saw this guy or heard his voice, you would know better than to believe him. Everyone I know who smokes it is a little slower for it, and grouchier. And they have to hide their life, which strains them and others around them who don't prefer to be hidden.

  14. Like anything else taken in moderation smoking the odd bit of Marijuana shouldn't hurt. There are some people that prefer it to alcohol and don't get a hang-over from it. It also is used for medical purposes such as nausea when taking Chemo or Radiation Therapy. It has even been administered to some people with some types of very painful arthritis.

    However, there were the 60s, and I have a girlfriend that admits she is a "burn out" from Marijuana. Nope, she didn't do LSD, Acid, etc. She is slow in thinking, jittery and gets confused easily. I do believe if one smokes a lot of Marijuana it can indeed do damage to the brain.

  15. Well look, you know why Weed does what it does? It to protect the plant from preditors, in the same way a Poison Dart Frog protects it's self. Look, I smoke it. It is not good for you at all. I know this and accept it. Anything that produces a psyco-reactive state is not good for the brain at all. It alters the chemicals in the brain.

  16. I honestly don't think it is.

    People always say "it damages your body!", but alcohol does the same thing and it's legal.

    And cigarettes, too! They damage your body but they're just fine as well.

    It's a funny world we live in...

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