
Is weed more than just a drug or a plant?

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Does anyone out there think that weed is more than just a plant or drug? To me weed is not just a drug to get high on and act stupid, do not get me wrong I love smoking with my friends and having a good time but to me weed is more than that. Weed has made me think more about the music that im listening to and has expanded my mind as well.

Does anyone else feel this way. And I know people are going to reply saying that I'm a complete stoner or addict but I just do not care, I just want to find out what people think about this.




  1. not really, i use to smoke, but have decided to quit.

    it really didnt open me up to music. it kinda fooled me into thinking crappy music was actually good. and it really never expanded my mind. just made me hungry, and sleepy.

  2. I think you got a point on this.  Yeah sure it may make you zone out and stuff but its got its advantages too.

    For me, I actually get INTO the music.  I am able to actually feel the music and the beats and just get lost in it.

    Also, I notice more stuff when I am smoking it.  Like for example, When watching a movie, or tv I will notice stuff about the actor like how they look, what the person is doing in the back ground, or what a sign in the back says.  

    Plus it is also helpful to those who have sleeping issues or eating issues or just need some help to unwind.  

    And No I am not a stoner I will admit that I am a pothead.  I enjoy smoking but I can go a long period of time without it.  The longest I have gone is 4 yrs, and then I smoke about 1 or 2 times a week if that.  

    keep it up man!

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