
Is welfare system a failure or success??

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I am doing this for an essay due on wednesday. I need some information I can't do my essay till wednesday but I can information to help make an outline.




  1. It is both.  It was considered a success for many years, keeping us from having starving people on the streets, cutting down on crime, etc., in a very cheap and cost-effective way.  It was seen as a failure because people came to rely on it, to live their whole lives on welfare, which was not the original idea, and to raise kids who would live their whole lives on it.

    Conservatives made a big deal of welfare, really a bigger deal than it was.  For 60 years, whenever a conservative politician was asked why he couldn't balance the budget he'd bring up welfare.  But actually it was never more than about 1% of the federal budget, and if it had just stopped altogether you could hardly tell the difference.

    For years, Democrats and Republicans alike supported the welfare system because it was seen as the cheapest, easiest way to solve the problem.

  2. Failure.  

    It's not incentive based leaving the leaches of society to suck out the hard work that residents of the US have worked so hard for.

  3. A miserable failure that can not be fixed only scraped. It has caused more problems than it has attempted to solve. It takes away the incentive to work. We need to concentrate on educational programs that put people to work. .

  4. It is a success only for those that use it on a TEMPORARY basis.  An emergency. Not to live on, that is when it becomes a failure.

  5. Failure for several reasons.

  6. I think in the beginning it was a failure.  Because it was being abused and depended on when its purpose was to creat independency

    However after the reform, I think it has become a success.  These people now have a limited time to collect and during collection they must be working or going to school.  This creates independency, be it forced or your own will, its doing what it set out to do.

  7. Horrible failure.

  8. Failure

  9. Its a failure because its under-resourced and doesnt even attempt to tackle the problems of cyclical poverty and long-term unemployment.

  10. An absolute failure.  It is designed to keep people in poverty.  

    It is perhaps for that reason that neither Republicans, nor Democrats in office wish to change things.


    If success is defined by pulling folks out of poverty then NO it is an utter failure.

    However, if success is defined by the destruction of the Black family then it has been a resounding success!

    Note: LBJ's war on poverty was the Democrats (segregationists) way of re-enslaving African Americans by replacing the head of the family with the Government.  

    Doesn't seem too warm and fuzzy does it?

  12. For the most part a failure.  Those that take on their own responsibility and fight to get OFF WELFARE and succeed are the success's.  Very far and few in between since most become dependant on our taxpaying money.  The system deperately needs to be changed.

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