
Is wendy williams a man/transvestite?

by Guest232  |  earlier

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she reminds me of rupaul




  1. Stevie Wonder would know that WW is a man !  Jeeeeeeeez !

  2.  To be honest I had a boyfriend I found out was a transsexual and did everything that Wendy Williams does and has had the surgery and will never admit he was born a man.  He even tried to say he was his daughter's mother instead of her father.  I know the signs of a transsexual and Wendy Williams is definately one.  They are the biggest liars too.  I will bet 100% that Wendy's son is adopted.  And yes yrs ago they were working on putting a uterus in a man to conceive.  I have met many transsexuals and know exactly what they are like and how they try to hide the truth.  They are mad at the fact they believe they are trapped in the wrong body.  They tend to hurt the ones they love with the lies and expect everyone to accept them.  Well they have a world of living in dreams before this will actually happen.  Why they cannot tell the truth I do not know.  The truth is the truth and accept it and quit trying to be something else and fool people.  I know what goes on because I went through the hurt of it all.  Wendy is not kidding anyone, I assure you

  3. I hate when people stand up for celebs like they related or something. It's my opinion that if the public is paying them/ made them famous. They are entitled to ask certain things. Me personally I would think that if she is a man. She should come out with it. I mean if it was to sneak out later the affect would be far worse. Noone wants to be decieved. I know that pretty much all successful people have dark secrets to their success. Which is why people need to stop worshipping them, like pagan gods.

  4. Whatever she may be she's still human. It's her business. Please find the flaws hiding in that mirror you're staring into!!!!!!!

  5. some day it will be revealed

  6. She has s**y feet

  7. wendy williams is a dam man!!!

  8. LOL i hate comments from the public, like this,  The woman is successful,  has been for a long time now.  I'm sure way more successful than the likes of most of these haters that have nothing better to do than drag someone under the bus, because something about them appears different from the norm.  America is such an ugly place to live these days,  people are rude,  unconcerned about how their opinion or words may make a person feel.  If someone doesn't poccess what America considers normal height, weight,beauty, mannerisms, sexuality, hair, clothes, etc. Then you should EXPECT to be treated and talked about like you're some outcast and freak of nature,  and not have any feelings.  The good thing is that what these "Oh so FABULOUS"? posters don't understand is that beauty fades and will never last forever,  so eventually you haters are gonna be the ones being talked about and treated bad.

  9. a great big man-vestite.... big man-hands, man voice.. man head... and i'd bet theres a man-d**k too...
    ugly s**t-skin tranny

  10. a great big man-vestite.... big man-hands, man voice.. man head... and i'd bet theres a man-d**k too...
    ugly s**t-skin tranny

  11. a great big man-vestite.... big man-hands, man voice.. man head... and i'd bet theres a man-d**k too...
    ugly s**t-skin tranny

  12. This question pisses me off! I am 10 years older then Wendy, 5'11", wear a size 12 shoe and I have hands that match my feet in size not to mention I am naturtally muscular.. I am a woman and was born a female and I am sick of dealing with all the people that like to gossip.  It doesn't hurt me anymore I am finaly used to it, I just hope wendy has grown a thick skin and it doesnt bother her anymore.

  13. at first glance u gotta b real, even if ur a die hard wendy fan she is kinda tall and wheres as much make-up as a transy. though i luv her show, i wouldnt be on the site if i hadn't questioned her very questionable gender. yet for the record ev1 she was born a GIRL!!!!!

  14. she is a woman thats had a rough life of drugs and she has recovered from thank God,give the LADY a break, yall is cold...i know her fam is proud of her...hats off to you Wendy.

  15. shes one ugly manly lookin thing...she has to me a man!!

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