
Is what Russia is doing in Georgia the same as what the US did in Iraq?

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Iraq invaded Kuwait, Georgia invaded Ossetia. The US helped Kuwait and also secured parts of Iraq. Russia helps Ossetia and secures parts of Georgia. Am I wrong in the similarities?




  1. In some ways yes, And Putin is using America and Iraq as justification claiming they committed genocide and the Russians are just stepping in like America did.  

  2. The Georgia-South Ossetia-Russia situation is more like the mainland China-Taiwan-US situation.

    South Ossetia is not recognized by international law as an independent nation, but has political independence from Georgia - just like how Taiwan/Republic of China is politically independent from mainland People's Republic of China but also is not recognized as an independent nation.

    Russia is defending South Ossetia from a Georgian invasion to recapture & assimilate South Ossetia. This is similar to how the US has a treaty with Taiwan and will defend it in case of an invasion by mainland China.

  3. No you are not wrong...

  4. Historically yes you are wrong.  The situation in Georgia is much more complicated than Kuwait.  The US has never invaded a country in order to make it part of the US.  Georgia declared its' Independence when the old communist regime fell, along with several other countries.  It is no secret that Russia wants to assimilate those countries back in to the mother land.

    In the northern part of Georgia, there are several guerrilla groups that want their land to become part of Russia again.  The Georgian government has been trying to put down these groups for a while.  Just recently some Russian troops were killed on Georgian soil while helping these groups.  Russia got its knickers all in a twist and started a full force invasion of Georgia.

    Now if any of this sounds like the Kuwait incident, read your history more closely.  This is a country trying to forcefully take over another.  All we did is help our ally against Saddam's regime.

  5. "The US has never invaded a country in order to make it part of the US."

    What about Mexico?

  6. I didn't think of it that way until now.

    Unfortunately, I see some similarities.  

  7. Well Southern Ossetia is part of Georgia according to international and Georgia opinion.  Right or wrong, Georgia was attempting to bring Ossetia back under its control.  Russia has major interests in occupying Georgia b/c western Europe is using Georgia to bypass oil around Russia.  Russia stands to lose a lot of money from the pipelines that exist and the ones being built b/c currently Europe gets a large portion of it's oil through/from Russia.  Russia's motives don't seem to be to stabilize the region, but rather to intimidate Georgia and possibly the West.

    Since Kuwait was it's own nation prior to Iraq's invasion and since Iraq was poised to invade Saudi Arabia next, then I'd say your analogy is not very accurate.

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