
Is where you live a Post Code Lottery?

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It seems that the Post Code you have is completely dependant upon where you live. For Example if you live in West London you will be lucky enough to have a "W" but the unlucky ones in South East London will live in "SE" postcodes.

The Government should stop this riduclous inequality and allow us to choose our own postcodes.




  1. yes, it's disgusting!!!

    ..I want a SW1 postcode, but can't afford it!! Instead I'm stuck with a dodgy N19 one!!! pfah!!

  2. I know someone who got all 6 characters in the postcode lottery and shared the jackpot of £8.3million with his neighbours.

  3. Yes, its called ENGLAND, but try living in scotland, no trouble getting treatment there of course, all paid for, by, let me see, OH Yes the English..... Insane isn't it?

  4. I'm very happy with my GL West Country post code, oh arrrrrr. You can keep all they uptown London ones. I had one of they and it never done I no good!

  5. Yea that would be a great help to the GPO. who already have a problem delivering you mail on time. Imagine the chaos if people could choose their own post code. A crazy idea.

  6. 'Unlucky ones"?

    Recently swapped my SW2 for an you think I did the right thing?

  7. I like my postcode, but I wish we had cute t-shirts like the next postcode along!

  8. Consider yourselves lucky.Where I live we don´t have any letters at all in our postcode. Just a load of old numbers.

    ´Tis an unfair world.

  9. We have friends in Bedford (the posh bit) and they are mortified to have a MK post code, they would enter any lottery to try and get a better one!

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