
Is white bread, white pasta, white rice etc bad for you??

by  |  earlier

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i've heard that it somehow draws out calcium from your bones or something?! Is this true?

I know its not AS good for you as brown alternatives but is it actively bad?

Made me a little worried cuz although i generally have brown bread and i dont eat rice a lot i reaaly really like white pasta and eat loads!!!




  1. Its not bad for you but wholemeal bread is alot better. Look at it this way. White bread is the same as wholemeal bread except it has all of the fiber and nutrients taken out of it. I personally don't eat white bread but if you get the right brand (such as high fiber) it can be good. And white pasta and rice are still good for you, they just don't keep you full or have as much fiber as the brown alternatives. Hope I could help!

  2. no white bread isnt bad for you wheat is better or wholegrain

  3. its not BAD theyre the same thing, but the white stuff gets all the nutrients sucked out and loses the amount of fiber in it, which makes them less filling than whole grains

  4. no it has a lot  of   "dare i say the dreaded word CARBS"  in them and if you want to lose weight they say stay away from anything white  only eat foods with color !

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