
Is white racism behind all the criminal charges against black Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick?

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Charges include: Perjury

Violation of bond in a criminal case

Assault of a police officer serving a court subpoena




  1. Of course! the MAN always shoots the brotha down! Except for Mayor Mariam Barry and OJ.

  2. NOT AT ALL!!!!  He is a typical corrupt, self imposed, self entitled, better-than-thou racist politician!  Why is it that when a black so-called leader FAILS miserably, they roll up behind the race card?  Reminds me of that New Orleans thing where everyone was to blame but his dumb A**!!!!

    How pathetic!!!

  3. Absolutely, the White Man is ALWAYS at fault and the Black Man never does nothing wrong. I believe this because I was born yesterday.

  4. The DA is black, hello?  Kwame is just another poor excuse of representation of men of color.  A spoiled little immature kid tryin to live it up.  Will we ever get someone to run for office that actually makes us proud?

  5. He did it to himself, he is not above the law.

  6. Let's see .....

        Kilpatrick gets three BLACK police officers fired illegally

        Kilpartick has BLACK stripper killed

        Kilpatrick has affair with another BLACK woman

        Kilpatrick assaults a BLACK officer

        Kilpatrick puts a HIGH MAJORITY BLACK citizenship in dire straits witht he way he corrupted - ran - his city

    How in the world is race even brought into this????

    This guy is a neighborhood thug that manipulated a city full of people that got / get what they deserve!

  7. no how could that be when you must have proof before a DA will take it to the courts so there must be some evidence to prove his guilt else he would not be charged

  8. Nope.

    Anybody else would have been arrested if they did the same thing.  His skin color does not make him above the law.

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