
Is winning the Democratic nomination for President, so easy that even a community organizer can do it?

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You know, like a caveman applying for Geico Auto Insurance.




  1. Evidently.

    The liberal nuts equate him with the "Messiah"

    McCain/Palin 08

  2. In this case, yes.

  3. what a fine analogy! good job.

  4. Yeah, and probably just as easy for a pitbull with lipstick.

  5. So you bought the Giuliani-Palan Pap?

  6. take a nap and lay off the kool aid fella.

  7. Looks that way.

  8. Stop trippin'. She wouldn't last 5 minutes on the Southside.  She wouldn't be able to swim the shark infested waters and get elected anything. How did he do it?  Don't say well she's white. Father Pfleger is white. We don't care if you want to help we'll take you. she's free at any time to set up her Popsciles Stand on the Southside of Chicago.

  9. No.  Obama didn't win as a community organizer.  He won as a US Senator.

    If Republicans are going to take this line of attack, can Democrats start referring to the Republican VP candidate as Sportscaster Sarah Palin?

  10. evidently.

    why the heck did clinton not win?

    i guess people didnt' realize till it was to late that obama=death.

  11. apparently so...

  12. Apparently.

  13. I'd like to see you try.  

  14. HAHAHA  Palin just kicked them out of the election, shes AWESOME!!

  15. He's smarter than Bush and McSame put together.

  16. A community organizer who was helping people from Chicago who lost jobs to factories closing get jobs. Yeah! that does seem like some lowly job. Helping people should never be encouraged in America, and voting for McCain/Plain will insure that.  

  17. apparently............LOL

  18. Why do we need community organizers?

    Because GOVERNORS aren't doing their job.

    Palin screwed herself by making fun of people who are trying to help this country in any way they can.

  19. No, it takes more than that.  One needs to be a beauty queen and moose hunter!

  20. I would not have believed if I didn't just experience it.  

  21. LOL the caveman choice for president, I.E the Democrat nominee will lose!  

  22. Yep - exactly!

  23. He hasn't won yet.

  24. Well, it would seem so.

    But it as a h**l of a long fight- much longer than getting to the Repub Nomination!

  25. Yes like a Columbia and Harvard law grad/ former constitutional law professor at a really prestigious school as opposed to a hockey mom who went to idaho state and a senile old man.  

  26. I guess so....Boy, are the Dems dreaming they had Hillary now.....

  27. Sure but you forget the little community organizer defeated a cult machine in the name of clintons

  28. Wow that was a great question.  I just hope becoming President is also that simple.

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