
Is witchcraft an magic forreal?

by  |  earlier

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Id like to get into it. But idk how, Someone tell me how.I wanna see one thing i can do to prove that its real, tell me a spell or something that might work to see is magic/witchcraft real.





  1. try prayer

  2. For Those Who Have the Eyes To See. ;-)

  3. If I ever had any doubts about magic "tricks" people can do, I was quite amazed when I watched a young Wiccan manipulate the flames of two candles by pointing at them from several feet away.

    I studied Wicca for a few years by reading books.  Ultimately, I decided that it wasn't what I was looking for, so I never got into it.  It is definitely very interesting, and there is a lot to learn for someone who desires to know.  I felt that, like other religions, it's practices were "self help".  Meditation, concentration, mental exercises to help bring about change.

  4. Maybe. But not in an obvious way.

  5. Here is some free information

    Magick is very real and powerful!  Best of luck to you dear.

  6. Simple answer...,it's bullshit. Please don't waste your precious time and intelligence on something as ridiculous as practicing witchcraft. Study witchcraft, but don't practice it.  Please, time is fleeting and every moment counts. dont waste it on something like this

  7. Witchcraft is real, but magic is Not.

    James M: what about 2 magnets with 2 norths they repel each other. They have motors like that. No touching there, but power yes. Used on levitation trains and in making Roller Coasters move quickly now.

  8. One of my friends wives is wiccan talk to her. She lives up in chicago

  9. Like subatomic particles, most people can't really 'see' magick happening. The movies and book writers also can't describe 'non visual' incremental changes occuring in existence all that well either, so both medium paint magick like a football player on steroids instead of the precise golfer that it really is.

    Energy (mass times acceleration) is stuff in motion. If allowed to roam around by itself, think of a campfire in a dry forest, it seems pretty random. However, if someone dumps water on dry leaves or cuts a fire break in between a raging fire and its next meal, the fire dies down. You have 'controlled' the nature of the energy present, made it do (in this case, die out) what you want it to do. Magick works the same way, only on a subatomic wavelength, think writing your name everywhere wiht invisible ink.

    Thoughts are really stimulated neurons giving off radiation/energy/heat. Give off enough irradiated 'thoughts' and they can travel pretty far. However, a subatomic 'thought' is small, like throwing a fraction of a pebble at a mountain (in this case, the eiffel tower that is the wick.) If you want to change the contour of a mountain, (or simply add a nice coat of flammable material to it) you have to throw alot of pebbles at it, repeatedly, and in the same spot. Want to light a candle from across the room, have to send a whole platoon of really combustible particles towards that wick, so that they will gather enough critical mass to create the chemical explosion necessary to ignite.

    Of course what does all this really look like, a small army of particles being sent somewhere. When was the last time you tracked a subatomic particle pinballing around your room? And don't forget the whole density of a particle versus the density of an object theory: everything is really just swiss cheese on the subatomic level. Send a particle speeding fast enough and it can pass right through the charged particle cloud of matter, like shooting a bb through a rotating fan. Most magick is more about creating enough momentum to squeeze that energy past all the barriers arrayed against it. Alot of barriers, alot of ways to get lost, alot of gathered energy needed to cause an effect.

    Should study chemistry and physics, in addition to any spell caster's book you happen upon. Great for learning how to do magick.

  10. Sure witchcraft is real. It is one of the works of the flesh mentioned in Galations 5 verses 19 through 21 Bear in mind that is also says that they who do such things cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. If you are wise you won't dabble in such things. Just my opinion. From experience I've learned that people are going to do what they want anyway. Don't fall for this good witch stuff. Satan doesn't care how nice or good you are as long as he has your soul. Best witches (opps I mean) best wishes

  11. I am a man of science. I do not believe so. The very idea that an object or individual can effect another without having any sort of contact at all is ludacris. For something to effect something else, there needs to be a contact between the two. Matter must come into contact with other matter to have an effect. You can't make some type of incantation and expect something to happen.

  12. Just do some research online about the wiccan religion and you can find some spells online too.  You will need some materials, more than likely it will be stuff you have around your house except for the candles, you have to use different colors of candles for certain spells.  Wiccan religion is very interesting!

  13. Play with fire and you'll burn your fingers.  First get a good back round, and read some books about it.  Dennis Wheatley, wrote some very scary ones. Not to be read at night.  Do YOUR HOMEWORK first.


  14. Wicca/Paganism is a path of spirituality and a lifestyle. It's not something to dabble in. I would advise you to start reading up on it and see if it resonates. The manifestation aspect of paganism is really a small part of the religion. And it is absolutely real, by the way.

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