
Is witchcraft real???

by Guest64907  |  earlier

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My friend is convinced that it is like she believes that tha stuff criss angle does is real...and i dnt and she said its n tha bible! Is it ??? and show me !!




  1. YES!!!!

  2. From the perspective of a scientist who tests effects in physical reality, there is no scientific evidence that witch craft has any effect on physical reality whatsoever or any effect at all on anyone except a believer - similar to the placebo effect in medicine.

    As for the biblical view, it's ambiguous depending on a doubtful translation from hebrew. The church for most of its early time did not believe in witchcraft but, following the reformation, some protestants have believed in it - mistakenly in my view.

  3. Yes , Witchcraft is real. No, it is not evil and it's not what Chris Angel does. Witchcraft is working with energy, magic, healing (etc),  sometimes in ritual form. There are many different tools both natural and hand fashioned that aid a witch in performing spells.

  4. Witchcraft is certainly real.  It's been practiced in every culture and in every era.  It's not tied to any specific religion.

    However.  What Chris Angle does is NOT witchcraft.  That is illusionism, stage magic.  He's good at it, but it has nothing to do with witchcraft.  

    Since I don't believe there is any such thing as Satan, I obviously don't believe witchcraft comes from it.  Moreover, witchcraft takes many forms, among them are the shaman and healer traditions of Native or Aboriginal people.  Witchcraft can be used for good or ill, depending on the witch.  It's really that simple.  Just like "are guns evil?"  No, not necessarily, although they certainly can be used to do great harm.

  5. the stuff that criss angle duz is illusinations not witchcraft and it is in the bible, it wuz made by santan.

  6. criss angel is a magicain but i think his stuff are more optical illusion rather then real magic. there is however black magic witch by the way is not the best to get invovlved in. i dont really know if  want to consider that witchcarft but in the bible it does mention things about black magic and how it the devils work and how  you shold not get invovled in this. black magic is a very serious and if done wrong it can get out of control it can get to a piont were its very harmful to yourself and those around you . so make sure that your freind is not dabling in that sort of dark magic =) but if there is black magic i guess there can be good magic but i dont know much about it.

  7. Witchcraft is real... but what Criss Angel does is illusions, not Witchcraft.

    Witchcraft was not created by Satan... it is simply part of nature... woven into the universe. The healing properties of herbs, the power of the human mind, the way scents and colors and symbols affect our psyche and subconscious, that is all Witchcraft.

  8. Oh my, where to start with these misconceptions...

    The stuff Criss Angel does is illusions, much the same as David Copperfield. That is stage magic done using mirrors and such. That is not the type of magic witches use.

    Magic has been performed by many people all over the world for centuries. Because those at the time were largely illiterate, nothing on witchcraft was documented.

    Satan didn't create anything. Satan is a created character used to scare people into believeing in a religion for fear of landing in a place of torment. It's a scare tactic. Witchcraft is nothing evil. It's about using natural items like herbs (for example) to help others.

  9. Ok Joe Public, Witchcraft is a religion and we do not worship Satan that is a Christian concept.  There is a difference between a religion and entertainment by a magician which is what the Mindfreak does.  What a magician does is magic, what a Witch does is magick with a 'k'.  "Witches practice magick, and they also practice Wicca-an Earth based religion that honors a deity that is divided into male and female spirituality known as the God and the Goddess and gives reverence to the Earth."  I hope this has clarified some misconceptions that are still prevalent today by some of the unintelligible answers.

  10. You already have the idea in your head that it isn't. Criss Angel is a master of illusion, that much I know to be true. Whether or not he has abnormal abilities, I do not know. He wants to make you think, to redefine what you consider real.

    In the Bible Jesus Christ performed many miracles, such as walking on water, the loaves and fish, water to wine. He also wanted people to reexamine what they considered possible.

    Whether or not you believe that such things are possible is your decision. Or do you want a scientific explanation?

    And those who practice such arts are not Satanists, as one member chose to answer. Many devout Christians practice what you would call magic. That doesn't make them bad people. They choose to honor their God by pushing His reality to its potential.

    Just as light can illuminate a dark room or blind a man, so can magic be used to help or harm. It depends on the person using it.

  11. Criss Angel is an illusionist and a mentalist.  He's amazing but not witchcraft (as far as I know or can tell)  

    Witchcraft is real, it's a system of magic and rituals practiced mostly in the pagan community but there is also documented folk magic systems even christian ones in history.  (Witch balls, superstitions, etc...)  

    Satan didn't create it.  In fact most people who practice witchcraft either don't believe in Satan or do not worship him.


  13. The Bible says to NOT play with any of these things, lest we're over come by the evil one.

    There's so many problems in the world today, so why add to them by entertaining things unholy?  We sin enough without asking for trouble.  I'm not preaching to you at all.  I'm for real about this.  If, you're asking is Satan real, yes he is.  Don't be fooled by anyone who may tell you witchcraft isn't from Satan.  Are you impressed with Cris Angle?  Do you not understand he's an illusionist, just as Satan is.

    If, it's not please come forward witches and tell me that you serve the God the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.

    Keep your mind set on what is good, true and right.  You can't go wrong.  You have a good head on  your shoulders to questions these things.  This is commendable and you'll be held in high regard by your peers for this.

    No one admires someone who'll fall for anything.  It's nice to know you took a stand.

    Keep up the good work searching for the truth=D

    Blessings to you<><):
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