
Is withdrawal an accepted form of birth control for Catholics?

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I know that the rhythm method is considered ok within a marriage, but what about withdrawal?




  1. It may be, but it doesn't work. Good chance of still becoming pregnant.

  2. Coitus interruptus is permissible which strikes me as strange. Isn't that masturbation which is a sin?

  3. It is better than the alternative!!

  4. It may be acceptable, but it's not a form of birth control.

  5. it doesn't work.

  6. <<Is withdrawal an accepted form of birth control for Catholics?>>


    <<I know that the rhythm method is considered ok within a marriage, but what about withdrawal?>>

    Again, no.

  7. No the Catholic church states that if a couple have s*x, the man must ejaculate inside the woman, as they have to be open to the gift of life.  

  8. Besides the fact that it doesn't really work.....

  9. No, withdrawal is not acceptable.

    And nobody does "rhythm" any more. Catholic married couples can use the scientifically developed fertility awareness methods (NFP -- there are several different kinds) to either achieve pregnancy or, if they have a grave reason for doing so, to avoid pregnancy.

  10. Yes, but it usually too late.

  11. It's perfectly acceptable so long as the man just allows himself to go down and doesn't actually spill his seed outside the woman.

    What Catholics prefer is a form of birth control called natural family planning, which is different from withdrawal and the rhythm meathod, and is actually quite accurate. Symptoms-based natural family planning is only about 1%-3% ineffective when properly used, which isn't any worse than hormonal contraceptives and IUDs, which can cause nasty health problems such as blood clots, cysts, increased risk for uterine or cervical cancer, and endometriosis, or condoms, when those methods are used improperly. And, let's face it, not everybody uses any method perfectly, especially condoms.

    Some methods of NFP track biological signs of fertility. When used outside of the Catholic concept of NFP, these methods are often referred to simply as fertility awareness methods rather than NFP.[11] The three primary signs of a woman's fertility are her basal body temperature, her cervical mucus, and her cervical position.[12] Computerized fertility monitors may track basal body temperatures, hormonal levels in urine, or changes in electrical resistance of a woman's saliva.[13]

    From these symptoms, a woman can learn to assess her fertility without use of a computerized device. Some systems use only cervical mucus to determine fertility. Two well-known mucus-only methods are the Billings ovulation method and the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. If two or more signs are tracked, the method is referred to as a symptothermal method. Two popular symptothermal systems are that taught by the Couple to Couple League and the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) taught by Toni Weschler.[14]

  12. The Catholic church fully supports all forms of birth control that are proven to fail a ridiculous percentage of the time...

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