
Is womens breast milk healher than cows?

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Can women produce breast milk every day like cows?




  1. Cow's milk is only good for one thing...cows!

  2. Calves don't like women's breast milk so it's not healthier for them ~ it is for human babies, however ~ and yes, women produce milk as long as their babies require it.

  3. I'll take a diff approach.  

    Cow milk may have more contaminants (toxins and pesticides, etc.) than human mother's milk.  

    Not sure what you were looking for ("healthy"??).

  4. Human milk is richer in the essential fatty acids needed for optimal human brain growth. Formula and cow's milk, on the other hand, are deficient in certain omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA. Not only do breastfeeding babies get the right kind of fats, they get the right amount. The fat content of your milk changes during a feeding, at various times during the day, and at various stages as your baby grows, according to the energy needs of your baby. At the start of a feeding, your foremilk is low in fat. As the feeding progresses, the fat steadily increases until baby gets the “cream,” the higher-fat hindmilk. After baby gets sufficient hindmilk, baby stops eating and radiates that contented look. During growth spurts, your baby nurses more frequently and because of the shorter intervals between feedings, he receives milk with a higher fat content that supplies the energy he needs to grow.

  5. Mothers milk not only has all the nutrients, a baby needs, it also transfers some of the mothers imunesystem to the baby, protecting the baby from illnesses.

    Not all women have the ability, but some actually can produce milk every day. It takes a baby to jump-start it.

    100 years ago it was not uncommon for wealthy women, to employ nurse-maid, who was actually able to breastfeed the baby.

    But mothers-milk is for babies.

    Like cowsmilk really is designed for cows, not for people. I does contain a lot of nutrients, we can use - so as a source of nutrition it's fine. However, we live in times of plenty, so we can "afford" to remove some of the fat, while leaving all the vitamins and minerals. Cowsmilk and milkproducts are an excellent source of especially calsium.

    It is also an excellent alternative for mothers, who no longer produce milk themselves, or have the means to employ a nurse-maid.

    Whole milk is perfect for babies and toddlers - it should not be given to kids over the age of 3.

  6. All mammals produce milk for their young. Every day.

  7. A woman can produce milk only after giving birth and then like cows goes dry after a period of time and must become pregnant again.  Human milk is more healthy but it also depends on how healthy the woman is eating.  Because all the caffeine, drugs, salt and so forth get transferred to the milk.  So the milk is only as healthy as the woman.  But in a simple explanation for young kids breast milk is better than cows.  Especially after birth when colostrum is produced (rich milk in antibodies and extra nutrients)  Cows also produce this but theirs is produced for cows so naturally it will benefit  a cow better.

  8. Noo.... women can only have milk only if they are pregnant or already have given birth.

    And women breast milk is much healthier then cow milk that have been pasteurized and hormones free and infection free.

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