
Is wood or fishbone products allowed through customs from Thailand to Australia

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Is wood or fishbone products allowed through customs from Thailand to Australia




  1. Depends, but easier to say "No" than try and bring it through and get it confiscated. If you're in doubt, get in touch with customs. But whatever you do, DECLARE what you're bringing in.

  2. NO CHANCE!!!! Not in a million years will they allow non-treated wood products thru customs at any Aussie airport and you're a fool if you try because the item could carry bugs or fungus. And fishbone , well thats probably worse. Australia has THE TOUGHEST quarrantine laws in the world - if you don't believe me - try smuggling in some raw wood product and see what they do to you. A  hefty fine at the very least.  

  3. There is not really a clear cut yes/no answer to this question. The products must be declared and then customs will make the ultimate decision as to whether they will be allowed through or not.

  4. Like Chris PN said, if its untreated anything dont expect it to get through. Australia is REALLY strict on this. Going to other countries from Australia you can basically take in anything as long as its not drugs. True story.

  5. Some wooden products will be okay but some won't.

    I once brought back a large wooden sculpture which I declared and had no problem at all with customs.

    Another time I brought back a different  wooden sculpture which had deep holes and was told it would need to be sprayed by quarantine officers for termites and any other insects which may be housed inside and I would be charged a fee.

    I have brought back shark teeth necklaces without any problems.

    You can ask a customs officer at the airport before you leave about any queries you have.

    Have a great trip!

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