
Is work as a self Employed Gardener to ex pats easy to get in spain?

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Fully qualified, Royal parks trained




  1. In 2 words VERY DIFFICULT. Most gardening seems to be done in the summer and it's VERY HOT. May be worth enquiring at Taylor Woodrow who are up market developers of housing (with gardens) & golf courses. Also the 5 star hotels may be worth a try (ie: Marbella) as they have lavish gardens. The Rough Guide to Andalucia will list out the hotels and e-mails etc. Good Luck. Ed.

  2. I would say so - especially if you choose your place right. Somewhere that has a large English community  -there are a huge number of ex-pats on the Costa Blanca. Saying that, you don't need to necessarily speak Spanish to work in horticulture - so you could really work for anybody.

    Market yourself right - on ex-pat radio stations, community newsletters, English local newspapers, in English owned restaurants and bars, and you'll probably be laughing. Make sure your price is right too and people will go for it. Good luck. Hope you find what you're looking for.

  3. It doesn't make any difference how well trained you are, there are not the jobs here in Spain.

    For starters;

    1. Not many people employ gardeners as most have paved terraces and potted plants, gardening is completely different in Spain, unless you plan to go inland in the north of the country, in which cae, you will need to speak fluent spanish.

    2. Many of the Ex Pats potter in their own gardens for their own pleasure, gardens tend to be far smaller than what you may think of in the UK, here, they can be simply a place to park the car and dry the washing

    3.You will need to register as self employed here, that can take quite some time to sort out and will cost as you will need to use a lawyer. As soon as you are registered, you are liable to pay social security of approx 260€ per month, wether you have any income or not. This will give you access to the health service for starters, for you and wife and children, but if you have an unmarried partner, she/he will not be covered

    4.Work of any sort is not easy to find here, so many have come here and all markets for handymen etc are flooded out, so many have to cut their costs so are basically scraping a living, which is not good in a climate where prices are rising and many prices are on par with the UK, but income sadly isn't

  4. Simple answer is NO!! Stay where you are or go somewhere else. UK qualifications mean nothing here this is after all Spain, although I presume you would generally want to work for expats.

    There are alot of holiday homes here so the British owners have very low maintenance gardens with pots, gravel etc. simply because they aren't here all year round. Those that live here tend to their own gardens for something to occupy them.

    If you work legally you will have to pay 260€ a month self employed stamp even if you don't earn anything,

    Please think again, why not try Malta, or Portugal.

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