
Is workers compensation considered income?

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Is workers compensation considered income?




  1. I don't know, I've never been on the dole.

    Edit:  Nice spin, Steve-O.  Workers comp coverage is mandated by government, so the spin falls flat.  Good try.

  2. No, it is a compensation, not an income.

  3. Worker's Comp is not taxed as income. You don't have to report it on tax forms. That's a fact.

  4. I"m not sure that it is considered income, you'd have to check with your tax man or someone locally..  

  5. I dont know

  6. I don't know either, but a note to Bill Lumbergh -- workers' compensation is a private system paid for by employers. It is not the dole.

  7. I just got a check for when I was injured last month. They didn't take out any taxes, but I bet they get me at the end of the year.

  8. Yes, it's income.  When one is on workers comp, no other work is allowed because then you're making extra income.  I'm a private investigator and I "bust" a lot of people who are on workers comp, doing other work.  The insurance company considers that fraud.  I just work a surveillance case on a guy who was on workers comp.  Turns out he started his own contracting company and didn't notify the insurance company that he now had the extra income.  He workers comp income was terminated

  9. I am a lawyer who specializes in workers compensation.  I can tell you that it is not taxable.  Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.  Watch out for legal answers from non-lawyers.  I cannot understand why the same people keep giving legal answers when they know they are just hurting people, not helping them.  Yahoo should do something about this.

  10. Yes.

    Just like Unemployment benefits are taxed, so is Workman's Comp.

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