
Is working as a booking officer the easiest job in Police Dept???

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The guy that takes the mug shot, fingerprints, handwriting & hair samples. I seen that on court tv seems like an easy job, mainly they book D.U.I But do you know of another job in law enforcement that is easier?




  1. As noted above, there is no position known as a "booking officer", but for two years I worked booking at my Sheriff's Department. Several different areas all within booking and believe me, it is NOT easy or boring.

    I am sure when watching some TV show, it seems cooperative and nice. Reality TV would show drunks fighting you, very few people allowing you to fingerprint them, street trade people that have not bathed in over 10 years are brought in ( especially in the cold weather when they break a store window to go to jail to get fed in warmth), virtually everyone that comes in is salty as h**l and most are willing to fight about it again. People lying, giving false names and socials to try to avoid warrents ( we run the prints later and find out who they really are anyway).

    The good side of booking is the time usually goes by fairly quickly since you just dont stop for your entire shift. But it is stressful.

    Basically, dont believe what you see on TV.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

  2. In many depts such a position as "booking officer" does not exist. At my dept, one of the biggest in the state, we book our own prisoners.

    As for booking being easy. Its not always easy to book and print arrestees, especially drunks. I've been in some great fights in the booking area.

    Also, to consider that these booking officers do the same thing over and over again, to you; easy, to me; fricking boring.

    As for anything depends on what different folks find easy...some of our School Resource Officers have it the schools in the decent part of town. All they seem to do is give "career" talks, whereas the SROs in the ghetto are always getting assaulted by the gangbanger "students"...

  3. Janitor, are not cops but a necessary evil. By the way there is no "booking officer" classification, just a rotational job.

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