
Is working for a life insurance company a great decision to make? What are the pros and cons of it???

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Is working for a life insurance company a great decision to make? What are the pros and cons of it???




  1. It is definitly a great thing if you are aligned with the right company. I am a financial advisor and I work with various life insurance companies. The pros are simple: help people, make alot of money, travel, ect. Cons: most of the time  you are responsible for getting your own clients and business. e-mail me if you want more details

  2. If you are a hard worker and you are good at going out and getting business than it might be the job for you. Life insurance customers DO NOT come to you. It is not a necessity and alot of people do not plan for death, even an untimely one. Also you have to think of the current economy. People are cutting back on stuff that isn't a must. Might be a little risky right now.

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