I asked a question earlier regarding some women's attitudes toward being a homemaker.
It seems to me that SOME young women who aspire to be homemakers do so because they think it is a "get out of work free" pass. Many responded saying being a homemaker sure beats having to go to work because it is better than going to some dead-end job and getting yelled at. However, you must have income to survive, so someone has to go to that dead-end job to get yelled at. Do these women who feel this way toward work think working outside of the home is beneath them, and that it is a burden that men should shoulder?
Again, as with my other question, please note I am not calling homemakers lazy. As I said last time, I know some homemakers who work far harder than some people with jobs outside of the home, so please do not get defensive by treating this as an attack on homemakers, because it is not.