
Is world really going to end?

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according to mayans calander this world will end on 21st december 2012. will this really happen?




  1. Good question. U know, if we continue to pollute earth so much it will definitely come to an end.  Even I am doubtful as i read in a site that some great saint said that the world will end in 2012 or somewhat like that. Lets see what happens..... Its all in the almighty's hands.....  But seriously, do we have to believe in all these sayings? No, not at all. We must not think about tomorrow and waste our time. We must live today. Enjoy our life and be happy.


  2. until it happens then don't worry about it. i guess the earth has missed out on it's 26,000 year cycle for a long time as man & his ancestors have been around for almost 2 million years. then you have all the other species of life that have been around for millions of years.

  3. it will end, but not in 2012..//like way way way laterrrrr

    like wen u die...or wen ur grandchilds grandhilds grandchilds grandchildren die..lmao

  4. nobody knows when it will be The End but its sure, the time will come

  5. Well...yeah,,,sooner or later it will.....I mean ,,really,,look what we are doing to Mother Earth,,She's not going to tollerate this c**p for too much longer..ay ?

  6. not in the way the Mayans and other religions say it will.from a spiritual point of view It will be mother earth who will destroy places and people the ones who will survive will be the ones who listen to nature and understand what is happening and are getting ready to move when they are told they will feel it coming long before it gets is our primal understanding and our ability to commune with nature that will save many people.

  7. no way!!The world's not going to end so soon.Scientists estimate that as long as the sun keeps burning the earth has potentially very low chances of being destroyd.Scientists estimate that the sun may keep burning for another 50 million years and thats when the world will end.

  8. Do you think it well, its  good chance it won't so don't go hysteric. Remember everyone thought in 2000 the world was going to end? Are we still alive or what?

  9. actually i dont know exactly.. but good question.. at least i come to know about this. ya bt 1 thing is sure dat sooner or later earth gonna end one day.. so not to worry live life with full flow.. enjoy each n evry moment becoz that will nt come again once it wil pass..

  10. Hi..good question !!

    Even i m doubtful, are spreading that the Sun is reaching nearer to the centre of our Milky Way galaxy.....and there is located a supermassive blackhole.......

    Some predict that the Sun will too get trapped into that blackhole, as it will reach nearest to the centre by the year 2012.....and thus the whole solar system will come to an end.......

    But, I think the Earth has still at least 70-80 years to survive.....which is enough for us ! Nothing to worry about !

    Lets just wait and watch what happens !!

    [ There's a similar question,.....if u want more answers,.....go to :;... ]

  11. Pollution is certainely not going to end earth.It is only going to end us

  12. may be the world will end it depends on god

  13. With the scientific information as available today, he end of the world (from natural evolutionary criteria) appears to be a very remote possibility. But we cannot really trust our own brotheren - enough things are going on that could take the world to the edge!

    From the cosmic phenomena - some incidences can cause an end - example, our sun turning into a supernova, a large meteorite hitting the earth, etc. Not very reassuring - isn't it? Well, but the probablity of these things happenng is very remote, and the probabilty of our own kind doing something stupid is far greater (ozone layer, carbon di oxide increases, etc.)

  14. ya but not so soon bcoz GOD IS MERCIFUL..

  15. I heard that if they find all those crystal skulls (aka from the new Indiana Jones movie) and line them up in a certain way it will help prevent the end of the world or something. So I don't know...

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