
Is wrestling (WWE) real! ?

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i know that some of it is fake like the rivals and stuff but i'm not sure about other stuff please only anwser if 100 % positive




  1. Why are you asking about World Wrestling Entertainment Sports Entertainment, when you could be watching Greco-Roman Wrestling and Free-Style Wrestling at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China? In World Wrestling Entertainment wrestling moves are practiced, the lay out of the match may be discussed by the wrestlers and/or divas and the outcome is pre-determined. Laws of science and physics still apply and people do get hurt, bruised, cut and injured.

    In Greco-Roman Wrestling and Free-Style Wrestling the outcomes are not pre-determined and you'll see the referee raise the arm of the winner.

  2. Hello there,

    Wrestling is real "entertainment" as it is meant to be.   The wrestlers are athletes who train for years to become the stars they are.   The moves are more or less choreographed and the wrestlers work together to make it look like a violent encounter...  but you can bet on it... they are good friends outside of the ring.

    Wrestling is rough and wrestlers have been hurt seriously and some have even died from the injuries they have received during a match.

    Thanks for reading.

  3. WWE Is half fake and sometimes real like at SS Y2J realy did hit HBKs  WIFE

  4. the storylines, and moves that if you actually pull it off youd kill someone are fake.. even some blood is fake, but most is real blood, and they actually get hurt. If you read one of the wrestler's biographies, it will explain it to you.

  5. moves=real


    weapons= reduced damage by not hitting as hard as it looks, or in the chairs case, their meant to bend so they dont hurt as bad. the tables are actually just thin pieces of wood that actually are there to cushion the fall of the person... and the barbed wire... not ocmpletely sure, but i think that they bedn down the sharp points  so it doesnt hurt

  6. Yes. The moves are all real. The only fake stuff is the story and fire and stuff. How do you fake a swanton?


  7. OF COURSE NOT !!!    All of the moves are very carefully choreographed and scripted, rehearsed  and practiced, just like a Soap Opera or a TV Sit-Com.  It is all so FAKE that it makes REAL WRESTLERS, like the ones competing in the Olympics, BARF with disgust.

    If you would like to see what real wrestling is like, go to Meets held at your local High School or College and you will see the REAL THING, something that is almost never shown on TV.

  8. The moves are real, but is the bleeding real? Do they really get hurt?

    No! They don't. My teacher was a wrestler he said they used to cut themselves before the match and cover up with Vaseline.

    Bascily everything is fake in the ring.  

  9. Yes, the rivals are fake, and the fights are choreographed, and sometimes, they really do go to far and get hurt. The blood's not real, and they learn how to take a punch so it doesn't hurt.

  10. It's fake. In boxing one punch could knockout the opponent but in wrestling they need to do their finishing move most of the time to win.

    And sometimes in when they tag each other their hands' touching sound is like sound effect, how can it be so loud?

  11. A better question is, "are all the ASPECTS of a wrestling event real and unscripted?"

    The answer is no.  They are, at the same time, scripted and unscripted, planned but unplanned, injuries can be and are accidental, fake and even inflicted with intention.  It's ENTERTAINMENT with a twist.

    An extremely good example of this, is when Vince McMahon's character "died" in the limo explosion not long ago.  At the same time, the tragedy occurred with the late Chris Benoit, when he killed his family then himself.

    That night, on RAW, WWE chose to cancel the scheduled public event, and Vince physically appeared at the start of the show, in the arena, to announce the tragedy of Chris Benoit's death and the death of his family.  Vince discussed announced to the viewers that the  storyline about his character's death in the limo explosion, was not going to continue out of the respect for Chris and his family.  The entire show for the evening, was altered so the wrestlers of WWE could pay their respects and share their thoughts on the tragedy with all of us.

    For me, it's the most moving episode ever, but nevertheless, a good example that they are normally, created for us, as a sports entertainment with a constant risk of real injury.

    ADDED - I should also mention, that quite often, real life issues of each wrestler are often incorporated into the storylines we see.

  12. The moves are real, but the story lines are fake. The tables are made to break when they are smashed into them. Some of the punching however is fake as well as the kicks. Pay attention next time you watch. You will notice they hit on the side of the head and stomp their foot when they kick.

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