
Is ww3 or something big about to happen?

by  |  earlier

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This may be nerves and yes I know it could all be nothing, And alot of people back in the 80's felt something bad was gonna happen and nothing did.But with that being said. It seems ww3 or something big is gonna happen and it wont be nice. Anyone else feel this way or is it just nerves? If you think something bad will happen what do you think about it?




  1. If something is meant to happen, it will. Nobody can predict what will happen when but just know that everything that happens is fated.

  2. No one in a position to start such a conflict is interested in so doing, there would be no advantage to be gained from it.  The U.S. invasion of Iraq was roundly criticized, but there have been no major military repercussions from our critics, the Russian invasion of Georgia seems to be playing out the same way, in both cases the wars are keeping oil flowing, and everyone wants that.  

  3. For all our sakes hope it just passes as did it during the eighties must admit felt nothing then apart from nervous about credit which is here to haunt again. But on the other hand USA and UK have set a very bad example by going into Iraq now we are seeing the result of  ignorance of people of what they were about to unleash on us the peace loving people. Georgians are now feeling how the Iraqi`s have been feeling for a few years I just hope who ever is elected by US citizens is not a macho gun ho hope they have few more peace loving brain cells than the present regime.

  4. if you havent been raptured yet, start preparing food storage

    people do seem to be disappearing  

  5. The Russian Bear has finally woken up and is taking command of the situation in Georgia.  And, no, we are not looking at the opening shots of WW3 or any such.

    Stay cool.


  7. you obviously haven't read any of the other questions because obviously this whole board thinks the world is about to end. which is retarded, in my opinion. People just need to relax and let it play out. I do have a question though if we were to enter into another war will Bush's term be extended because of the new conflict?

  8. no, stop scare mongering and relax a bit

  9. The conflict in Georgia is a sign that the money that our and many governments are paying obscene prices for gas and oil,  are allowing Russia to show its true colours again ,And are flexing their muscles  They never could get used to losing there empire to democracy and in fact have run a mock democracy ever since , and have been itching to get back to Communism so that they can spread their disgusting autocracy over the world . But never fear the world has seen what a farce Communism is and how it degrades countries and reduces them to poverty , There can never be a settled country without the consent of the people , All other ways have been tried and have never worked . Russia will have to take on the whole world and can never win .And to those that hold up China as an example , it has the most millionaires in the world and runs the largest business empire in the world and is controlled by a mafia type gang who brook no opposition whatsoever .

  10. i think if anything will happen it will be between india and pakistan, and right now they are at peace. (Israel might blow up iran, but probably wont effect world too much.)

  11. No I don't think that because this incident involves the old cold war enemy that it will mutate into a world war.  First of all, who is going to help Russia right now ? I mean unless the EU disintegrates which is highly unlikely we have Russia and maybe Iran say some versus NATO.  Russia is not even close to a superpower, h**l they aren't even considered a first world nation by some standards.  No, if we see a world war it will be when China won't take any more c**p from the West and has the strength and support to back them.  

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