
Is xams necessary for students?

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Is xams necessary for students?




  1. I am assuming you mean exams.

    There are two schools of thought.

    1- Those who feel that exams are unnecessary pressure and performance is dependant on the day and not accurate.

    2- Those who feel that that the only way to prove knowledge is through exams.

    Personally I believe a combination of the two shows the best results.

  2. in my opinion, there are brilliant people who have a lot of knowledge, but cant just attempt exams. So i dont think exams are really necessary people should see the mental level. Again its in my opinion

  3. ya exams bring out the hidden skills and talents of a student. they are useful in making the future generation more active

    but the same time some of the students get depressed and suffer from tensional feelings. even some indulge in suicide activities due to their results especially after the public exams.

    hence instead of marks the government can bring grade system so that the students get relieved of stress a little bit.

  4. ofcourse

  5. The question properly stated is - "Are exams necessary for students".  It appears that you have failed most of your exams.

  6. Cheak your Grammar first..

    Anyway..Well I guess yes..even though exams=stress..and I don't like exams at all,but it's important.

  7. Yes,exams are a must. Then only you yourself can adjudge your own performance.

    Now a days trend is that many students read for the sake of exams.By that way one can learn & develop habit of reading

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