
Is yahoo 360 safe for 11 year old girls?

by Guest32288  |  earlier

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My pre-teenager wants to have a yahoo 360 but i dont know anything about it. Is it safe for her?




  1. You need to be 18 or over to have a yahoo 360 account.

  2. It matters where she goes, A lot of people can ask questions about s*x and stuff, but overall I think its safe.

  3. yahoo 360 isn't suitable for 11year olds. when i was 11, i was just starting to use blogger. blogger is sorta safer cos it's harder to connected to strangers. xanga is also a better choice

  4. I would say no. 11 year olds shouldn't even be on this site. Some of the questions have mature content and shouldn't be viewed by ones so young.

    But the Yahoo! 360 is where you can display pictures, blog, make friends, etc. It's not really something an 11 year old girl should be doing.

  5. Point blank, absolutely not.  Not only does yahoo rules state one has to be over 18, its not only the content that isn't appropriate, there are many not so nice ones out there, that could contact her, and things can become quite scary for adults, let alone a child. Been there, done that, can't imagine a child dealing with crazies on yahoo.

  6. You must be 13 years of age to have a Yahoo email or any other type of account unless you set up a Yahoo Family Account..

    If after you read the rules and decide it is something you wish to do.. then in my experience.. Yahoo is the safest place for a child that age to learn how to blog and have online relationships with decent people.. as in any online site that is open to the public.. even if you shut your privacy down to friends only and no mature content.. at times there will be a problem or two.. but that is also a lesson well learned if learned young. I do not like the IM for children that young.. it opens up too many ways for unsavory people who lurk on the IM's to be able to find a way into their accounts. the communications of comments and messages on the 360 are very good and should be sufficient. Always check browsing history after they get offline anyway.. it is not snooping.. it is being a responsible parent.

    read Yahoo's rules on it...


    In consideration of your use of the Service, you represent that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction. You also agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Service's registration form (the "Registration Data") and (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or Yahoo! has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Yahoo! has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof). Yahoo! is concerned about the safety and privacy of all its users, particularly children. For this reason, parents of children under the age of 13 who wish to allow their children access to the Service must create a Yahoo! Family Account. When you create a Yahoo! Family Account and add your child to the account, you certify that you are at least 18 years old and that you are the legal guardian of the child/children listed on the Yahoo! Family Account. By adding a child to your Yahoo! Family Account, you also give your child permission to access many areas of the Service, including, email, message boards and instant messaging (among others). Please remember that the Service is designed to appeal to a broad audience. Accordingly, as the legal guardian, it is your responsibility to determine whether any of the Service areas and/or Content (as defined in Section 6 below) are appropriate for your child.

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