
Is yahoo against AMERICANS willing to answer questions?

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THE LAST 2 ANSWERS WERE DELETED, LIKE what do you wish for? I said $1 billion to start my global warming project and help Australia in getting fresh water for 100 years and help to stop whales from starving and anyone else that needs fresh water. I believe that YAHOO is against anyone wanting to delete global warming or tell about it on yahoo.




  1. It's not Yahoo who's against you.  It's the community of answerers on Yahoo Answerrs.  This is because Yahoo Answers is on a community moderation system, where an answer can be deleted if just some "reliable" Yahoo Answers users report it.  It doesn't get reviewed by Yahoo Answers staff unless you appeal the removal of the answer(s).  See my Source below.

    BTW, I'm an American, and I've never had an answer of mine removed, although that may be because I stay out of the controvertial areas like global warming.

    EDIT : In that Additional Detail, are you asking me or Archuleta Lover?  In case you're asking me, it seems like an honest estimate, though I can't be sure because I'm bad at estimating costs of stuff like that (and I haven't seen the question it was an answer to).

    May I ask that you please calm down and lose the all-caps?

  2. maybe cause its "against the gudielines" or whatever.

    yeah, yahoo answers is pretty stupid.

  3. hi, im american and everytime i ask a question in britain it does the same thing!

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