
Is yahoo answer satanic?

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read my other question my profile,Is pokemon satanic?Going through the same logic that these strict ignorant religious people made in the article doesn't yahoo answer make u addicted to collecting points by following guidelines for reward like how you supposedly get addicted to

catching them all in pokemon to beat the game 0_o




  1. Yes it is pure wickedry and demonism. ALso, pokemon is the devil himself in my opinion.  

  2. pokemon is weird, and im not too keen on it, but its not satanic...neither is yahoo answers, all in moderation

  3. redrum


  4. yeah

    whoooooooo   2 points lol

  5. yes. definitely satanic. lmao...

  6. No. It is designed to help people. But. You do make

  7. No. Addiction does not equal Satan. Yahoo Answers is designed to help people, and form a community on the web. Jsut because something is addicting does not mean it has to do with the devil. By that line, food is satanic, because people eat food, get addicted to it, and eat more, and reward themselves with food. Weight Watchers food has points. FOOD IS EVIL! NOOOO! And breathing, people are addicted to breathing. And water.  

  8. Yahoo is Great

    Yahoo is Good

    Thank you, Yahoo

    For my food

  9. (otto mann voice) I hope so, otherwise i painted all these pentagrams for nothing...whooa

  10. What are you talking about the points are awsome I call them craker jack points they are just as meaning full as the gamertag points on xbox live (yes they are usless points) "neeeed More MOre MORe MORE!!!!!!

    But seriously what about satan... Did you catch "em'" all...and why was there a question about "where can I find guys getting raped on video" on any site

    Tasty cakes fur serious

  11. Why the heck would this site be satanic!?

    If you get addicted to this site that's your problem. Many other things are way more addicting and at least you'll find information and help others even if you get addicted.

  12. It depends on your point of view, but I have not been asked to sacrifice anyton to the great Lord Yamster

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