
Is yawning a reflex action, how does it work?

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Is it?




  1. Increases oxygen intake.

    Studies have also been done with athletes (who are in top shape) & it has been noticed that just prior to an athletic event they are participating in, they will yawn, so the oxygen intake  in this scenario, didn't really fit, scientists are now beginning to believe that yawning can be used for different purposes ~ the oxygen intake being one, in the case of the athletes, they believe yawning can also be used to combat stress, providing a stress relief reflex mechanism.

    Yawning is also contagious ~ if one person yawns, it will induce a reflex action in others & they will also yawn.

    d**n, this Q jusy made me

  2. Brings in more oxygen to keep your body refreshed wth oxygen which is a natural caffeine  

  3. A lot of people think that yawning is an indicator of how tired you are.... it's actually your body's natural way of waking itself up. As the first answerer stated, when you yawn, your body takes in more oxygen than in a regular breath.  

  4. It expands your lungs to take in oxygen when your brain senses that there is not enough in your body. Your body can also be "tricked" into yawning by another person's yawn, because when it sees that other person yawning, it could believe that oxygen is low and it needs to get its own, thus triggering its own yawn.

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