
Is yawning is contagious ???

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Is yawning is contagious ???





  2.'s not a disease.

  3. well seeing someone yawnin can cause others to yawn so yes you can say so but again it depends from person to person

  4. I believe that you are predisposed to yawn if you aren't a slow acting person and see a person yawn.Just like if you weren't an active person and saw someone do a series of things really fast,you'd be tired just watching him.

  5. YES--- yawning is contagious..

    but not to u...

    its to others..

  6. yes

  7. yes....even when your pets catch yourself doing the same thing

  8. No.

  9. It really seems like it sometimes, but I have my doubts that it actually is.

  10. Yes indeed! :)

  11. it sure seems like it

  12. why is this in parapsychology?

    Of course it is and you know it is.

  13. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i yawned at my desk and then people at my desk started to yawn isnt that weird?

  14. yep!kind of

  15. indeed!!!

    your mind interpretes another person yawning as a need for more oxygen and therefore sends an impules to your brain to yawn....and therefore breath in deeply...

  16. Seems that way sometimes, doesn't it?

  17. Si, Oui, Yes.

  18. it is definitely contagious if you are around someone, but its even contagious over the phone, i think im going to make a movie about it

  19. i think so..i just yawned lol

  20. Actually, there are special neurons in our brains that are designed to copy and mirror the actions of peoploe around them. It has been suspected that diseases like autism may be a result of theses neurons not functioning.

    In a normal person, it means that upon seeing ssomeone yawn, your brain will suddenly give you the urge to yawn too. Next time you see someone yawn, see if you don't feel a bit like yawning yourself. Cool, huh?

    Also, this could explain why watching people eat makes you hungry and why watching people spin makes osme people dizzy.

  21. yes it is lol, i was surprised too when i found out

  22. yeah, i yawned just now too :O when i get home i'm going to yawn infront of my 3 cats and see if i can make them all yawn.  cause i have no life.

  23. yes!!!!

  24. yes i have heard that it is contagious & i have experienced it too

  25. without even seeing it, it is

  26. Nope !!!!

  27. yes - start yawning in a  room and see how many start yawning....

  28. I totally think yawning is contagious.  I yawned when I read the word yawning in your question and I just yawned when I typed yawning.

  29. yes

    dont know why

    but i tried it in the tube once

    sure killed two minutes watching it go around...

  30. Yes. You can do an experiment. Start the ball rolling by yawning and notice that some others around you will start to yawn.

  31. You bet it is!

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