
Is your BFF, the same religion as u are?

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Waqas - lol, Best Friend Forever aka ur friends!




  1. Yes she is  

  2. The reason my best friend is my best friend is Islam, we have gotten closer talking about religion and making each other stronger muslims.. and dealing with problems together.

    but I have many really good friends that aren't muslims.

  3. Yeah, she is.

  4. No

  5. No she's christian but I really like her because we still have a lot in common and she's really funny. She can respect my religion (islam) and I can respect hers.

  6. nope.  

  7. Yes she is :) And she is an outstanding person/muslim. I consider her "my Oprah", lol, cuz I feel she inspires me to reach my goals, even the goals I have not made for myself yet, lol, pretty cool right?

  8. She is not as religious as I am in beliefs, but she does believe in God and that Jesus is the Son of God, so yeah she pretty much believes the same way I do.  BTW we have been BFFs for over 33 years.

  9. I have many..

    Believe it or not one of my close friends is an Israelite. : )

  10. No,but we respect each others religion....and support watever we our doin abt our religion

    Alhmed le ALLAH

  11. I read an article about Paris HIlton who is gonna find a BFF in Britain.Lolz!

    Yes my BFF is the same religion alhamdolillah.

  12. yes, we have a similar background and families are very close friends too. that's why everything is so great. we can relate to each other always.

  13. i have three bff that are muslim and one that isnt

  14. Yes they all r alhamdulillah. I would never make a non Muslim my BFF coz we r not allowed to make them our BFF:Allah says in the Quraan"You 'O Mohammad (s) will not find any people who believe in  Allah  & his last day, making friendship with those who oppose Allah & his messenger'   Al mujadallah, verse 22.

    " Rasulullah(s) said that  A person is at his friend's religions,so everyone should know how to choose his friend

    المرء على دين خليله فلينظر احدكم من يخالل "

    On the day of judgement Allah will make us stand with the one's we love.المرء مع من أحب "

    How can we make friendship & not love a friend?

    Those of us who live in non Muslim countries should be very careful when making friends esp if ur a teenager u would like to listen to ur friend more then anyone else.Islaam allows us to have dealings with non Muslims as human beings not as brotherhood & friendship connection. this is only given to the Muslims.

    "إنما المؤمنون إخوة Al hujurat.      

    محمد رسول الله والذين آمنوا معه اشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم " Al Fath

    this is the sifah of the momin(believers)

  15. No but we do not interfere in second person religion.

  16. what's a BFF


    Well I have who are Muslims except for one He's a Hindu

  17. some r some rn't but respect is always between us and not hatred : )

  18. No.

  19. Nah,

    u ask why?

    cuz we're cool like dah.

    SHes chrisitan actually. BUt we are one !!!

  20. Nope, my 2 best friends are both religious but one is a Christian, and one is a Sikh.

    It's pretty weird, but hey i learn about their religion, they learn about mine..and it's making me realise how true Islam is lol. My christian friend agree's with Islam too, she's interested and on the edge of thinking to convert, Mashallah.

    People say you shouldn't mingle with non-believers because they can influence you, but i think otherwise. Without having these differnt veiws, we wouldn't know half of the things we do, and my christian friend probably wouldn't ever know about Islam as she does now etc.

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