
Is your back supposed to twist when you overhand serve?

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My back twists when I serve, but sometimes it hurts. Does anybody else have this problem?




  1. ya because you are suppose to tork your body

  2. Its not supposed to twist..its supposed to stay firm and straight. If your good enough or have a jump serve, you can snap your wrist...but no doesnt twist.

  3. I'm just guessing that the motion is similar to tennis, but even though your back does twist a little, the force comes from your legs.

  4. Um, no.

  5. your back should twist alittle to give more power to your arm swing, but it should not hurt. maybe you are twisting too much.

  6. your back should not twist. you should be throwing the ball far enough and high enough infront of you that it does not cause your back to twist. there is a girl on my team who is a very good server but she twists her back when she serves and is beginning to have problems that could keep her out of volleyball so i would suggest tossing it farther in front of you so that your back stays straight and does not twist.

  7. The only time your back should rotate should be if your are changing the direction you are serving.  You shoulders should square to where you want the ball to go, and unlike tennis, your follow through should not go across your body.  If your back is hurting from twisting when you serve, then you probably have improper serving technique.  The distance of your serve comes from your form, you step into the serve and the momentum of your body shifting weight will carry the ball across the net.  Your speed comes from your arm, by accelerating your arm swing you speed up the ball.  So at no point in time are you really using your back.

  8. no when u serve the ball should be in front of u if u cant see it then its not a good toss  

    hitting the ball should be like swimming Ur hand goes straight down and not across Ur body

    if u take one step then try two, or the other way around

    other wise u dont twist ur back   i hope this helps

  9. yes.

    it's for more power into the hit.

  10. No

    left foot forward

    Place hands on top and bottom of ball

    extend arms

    step and toss up then

    hit and step together

    your left foot should be forward

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