
Is your brother a bully ?

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mine puts me down ever since I was about 8 and gets verbally abusive.




  1. Not at all.  love, honey

  2. Well mine was physical abuse.  Brothers like to do it, it's not right but thats how they are.. men..  

  3. used to be. And, uh, totally. Now he has matured a lot (thank God)... i used to fight back all the time... if you are mentally abused, do that. It feels good. =)


    Try this - skip forward to the stuff about siblings.

    Don't let it bring you down, life is just one big party, enjoy it.  

  5. I would ignore him. Don't feed his negativity. Just Say Yes you are right. You are so right. Why didn't I think of that, you are so smart. I have discovered there is no point in arguing with people like that. Your opinion doesn't matter to them, so don't wast it on them. Save your energy for people you get on with.

  6. My brother-in-law tries to be a bully.  But he's got serious issues...  these sort of people are very insecure about themselves.

    So, I try to understand him.

  7. They usually mature and wise up when they realize its not bothering you, hes the idiot not you, keep doing what you doing, at the end of the day if he speaks to his sister like that then imagine how he speaks to other people  

  8. if it's that bad tell someone

    its no healthy for you

  9. I had to defend when we were kids, and he was the eldest.

  10. I'm an only child, sorry  

  11. HAHAHAHA mine still is and he likes like 22 and I'm 14 its soo funny though but it does hurt he tripped me up in a supermarket earlier this year and i screamed but i stole his hat and i was hiding from him and he came out of no-where and tripped me but he was holding onto me phew =] lol and another time was when he punched (left a bruise) i kicked then my mum saw me kick and she said "act your age , young lady" but when i told me mum she said "do you want to be grounded and sit in the time-out zone!" i couldn't help but laugh my head.

    I think you should tell your parents that he is abusive.

  12. No my brother has never been a bully, we are both to laid back to be bothered with silly things like that...

  13. No but that's because he knows i can kick his bum.

  14. my brother thinks hes the boss of me, even though he is only 2 years older than me. i mean im 18. he tells me off for swearing, he started swearing when he was 14 and he never got told off.  

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