
Is your child overwieght?

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be honest , and what have u done about it ?

i was out today and i just couldn't believe the amount of fat children , don't parents care there killing there kids?




  1. my daughter is tall and thin, just like her dad

  2. All kids are different. I think it's sad when kids get overweight because their parents feed them junk all the time. I do believe that sometimes it's in the genes and then the parent has to be even more careful.

    For example I have 4 boys. My oldest two are twins and have always been really thin and small for their age, they both weigh about 87lbs. My youngest is the same way. He's 8 years old and hasn't even hit 50lbs yet.

    I was starting to worry a little about my middle son because he was getting a bit of a gut but not overweight by any means. I asked his pediatrician who said he was perfectly fine and that he was on the verge of puberty (he's 11) and would grow up and even out more. My 11 yr old weighs more than my twins who are 2 1/2 years older than him. He weighs 90lbs. I've checked online calculators that say he is a healthy weight so I'm not worried about it anymore.

    My point is I feed all my kids the same healthy foods and all my kids play sports and are all equally active and yet they are different sizes. Because my middle son has more of a tendency to gain weight faster than my others, I have to limit his junk food even more so I just don't buy it at all.

  3. Obviously not, it is America

    The parent believe the right thing to do is feed them mr mcdonald and burger king. Why? because they are ignorant and stupid

  4. All 3 of my kids are thin - I was raised in a household where I had to eat even if I wasn't hungry - clean your plate kind of a thing, and I have struggled with weight all my life. My kids know their own bodies and have been raised to eat when they are hungry and it is 100% acceptable in our house to stop eating when you are full. Of course we eat lots of fruit and veggies too - fast food is a rare thing for us.

  5. I am sure they care they are killing their kids but maybe they are uneducated.  You shouldn't be so quick to judge.   My daughter is not overweight, although we do not eat lots of junk.

  6. Unfortunately my oldest son is now overweight, he is off the charts for kids his age.  He is 6 years old and 68 lbs but it isn't because of his eating or anything like that it is because the Dr's put him on medicine that caused a major weight-gain :-( now his pediatrician and I are working with him to help him get his weight back down to normal.  He was always 95th percentile on weight and height both but since it was balanced out and he really didn't have fat on him it wasn't a big deal but now he is off the charts on weight so the Dr and I are both concerned

  7. the other day I went out to eat and I saw several adults who would be concidered obese ... way over 400Lbs. ... It doesnt surprise me that their children may be equally as large ...

    Its not fair

    Whats the whole point of bringing a child in to the world if you will not care for him/her better than you care for yourself ...

    the worst thing is when a child (2 year old) is fat with rolls all over their legs and arms and they are sucking on a bottle full to the top with soda!! UGH!!!

  8. i know a girl who has a little girl who's very overweight. she's 2 and weighs 45 pounds and she's not even 3 feet tall. my son weighs 42 pounds but he's almost 4 feet tall and he's 3. the difference is i don't give him any sweets. he gets candy maybe once a month when we visit a friend of mine. she loves to give him candy and he loves it because he never gets it. this woman i know feeds her kid little debbie cakes, suckers, and candy for supper. the kids never seen a vegetable. some children may have some kind of health problem that causes them to gain weight but a lot of it is the parents are feeding them way too much junk.  i make sure my son eats veggies and fruit. he loves apples and green beans and corn.

    allot of it is the parents even though they'll deny it sometimes because they know it's wrong.

  9. No, actually, my kids are underweight for their heights.  All three have grown quickly  and it takes a long time for their weight to catch up. I was the same way growing up.

  10. my kids are all the right weight for their height. My 11yr old has short stature and is just 4ft 1" tall, because of he medical condition and medication she has to take she is at risk of becoming overweight but she's very active and her weight matches with her height, she's 4.5 stone.

    she's classed as underweight for her age i suppose but seeing as the correct way is to go height/weight she's fine.

  11. my children are not close to being fat.

    all four are were they are supposed to be.

    on my two older daughter's soccer team there was a fat child and I felt bad and it was ashame because she has diabetes, and asthma so she quit.

    my kids are very healthy.

    Salad, even my two year old eats it!

    Greens, Every night for dinner.

    you get the point.

  12. My child is not, but then again she is very physically active.

    You bring up an interesting point.  Food is used as rewards, as comfort, for socializing, as activity.  The food industry spends billions every year marketing food products to kids and adults.  When you combine increased caloric intake with reduced physical activity, you end up with overweight people.

    I think when people think for themselves, they make better food choices.

    All the best.

  13. My husbands brother is overweight he is 12 and weighs 170lbs and they don't freakin do **** about it!! He got picked on at school so now he is home schooled so he just stays in the house playing video games and the only thing they feed him is mc donalds and the but him everything he wants it makes me so sick!!!!!!!  

  14. Actually, she's probably considered slightly underweight for her age and height.  She's built very long, and very lean.

    I actually just had this conversation with my Mother and Hubby today.  We went to the fair, and could NOT believe how many overweight people there were, with their overweight children.  It's very sad.

    I'm not overweight, and my husband isn't, and I doubt we ever will be.  I just don't understand the lifestyle.  I was raised on home cooked meals, a varied diet, and playing outside until the streetlights came on.  It's so sad to see these kids, since they really have little control over it.  I don't understand how parents can do that to their children.  My daughter gets to have junk food occasionally (every girl loves chocolate!) but eats very, very well, especially for her age (she's 2.5).  We went grocery shopping recently, and know what she asked for?  Almonds.  Not chips, or cookies, but almonds.  The next time, she asked for fruit.  Not to be arrogant, but I think I've done pretty well.  Healthy eating is not complicated.

  15. I know you see obese parents tugging along obese kids with junkfood in hand stuffing their faces. seems like fat people think everytime they leave the house ..its an eating event

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