
Is your first true love, the best true love? LADIES ONLY?

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I was wondering for you ladies if your first true love the best true love? and can you fall in love with 2 people? Can you really be in love with someone so much but at the same time fall in love with another person as well?




  1. no since u have one heart u only can have someone that u love more than anyone else  

  2. ur first love ur crazy in love and do crazy hillarious fun things and when your older like last love you will be more mature and forget all of the crazy things u did. so i say ya first love :]

  3. girls never forget their first love.

    that person will always have a piece of thier heart.

    and it is the best because it gives you

    the best feeling in the world.

    we can be in love with two people.

    but one will always dominate the other.

    just look at the notebook.

    its a perfect example haha

  4. I THOUGHT I would never love again after my first love.  I thought I was going to die.  But many MANY years later and I realize how foolish young love is.  It's dilerious and crazy and makes no sense.  You act irrationally and have no experience to draw from.  Definitely not true love.

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