
Is your hamster nice?

by Guest60667  |  earlier

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or is it mean :<




  1. my hamster is not mean at all... it is quite friendly.... it would roll over showing her belly and when i stroke her belly, she would slowly fall asleep... i let her run around in a small box, when i call her name, she would come towards me and stand on her hind legs and look at me... she is also quite cute. after i use water to wash her body (i don&#039;t wash the head and ears i meant the &quot;body&quot; only), i would put her in a small towel, and slowly dry her body and she falls asleep again. she also allows me to carry her and put her on my hand. some times, i would put her on my hand, and flip over onto her belly and stroke her.... she would then fall into a &quot;relaxed&quot; mode... she does try to bite me when i do tat, she is more than willing to do so....

  2. i have a really great hamster i can put my finger rite in front of his nose and he wont bite you just have toi teach him not to and he won&#039;t bite me or any of my friends. not to show off but he is sorta the absolute best and cutest hamster ever :-)

  3. my hamster dont bite if  i dont pick him up weird!!!!!!!!!

  4. No mine was mean all the time and it bites

  5. Honey, I have 6 hamsters.

    Fluffy is the oldest one and the father of his 6 babies.

    Fluffy was my first hamster...he was very mean.

    He wouldn&#039;t let me touch him or play with him when I got him.

    After 2 months, my Fluffy was never the same.

    He would escape from his cage after midnight, climb on my bed and sleep next to me.

    He never bit me since (I have had him for 8 months now)

    He is very sweet and the best among my 6 hamsters.

    Then we have his daughters.


    She was never mean...she is sweet like her mommy (RIP Mooshy)

    She is also the best one...she is cute and friendly.

    She never bites. She loves cuddling and playing with me.


    She&#039;s the nasty one, and Misha&#039;s Sister.

    She would bite every time I&#039;d hold her.

    She would do anything to get away from the cage.

    She&#039;s totally impossible.


    She is okay.

    She&#039;ll bite occasionally, but she is friendly and sweet...not to mention, she is the prettiest hamster!


    She is the runt, but she&#039;s the best female.

    She is friendly and shy and doesn&#039;t bite.

    She loves playing with me.

    Then we have Fluffy&#039;s Son:

    Fluffy Junior (Junior)

    He is quiet and shy.

    Doesn&#039;t bite or play.

    He is not mean, but not friendly either.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Well, these are my hamsters!



    Have a Good Day!


    .•*´`*♥Shining ★ Star♥*´`*•.

  6. Mine is so nice.  She is a fancy bear.  She has never once bitten me.  She is so sweet.  I love her so much.  She is so chubby.  I wish that hamsters lived longer than three years.  I had a short hair and a teddy bear but they both bit me.
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