
Is your head supposed to go all the way under water in the breast stroke?

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Is your head supposed to go all the way under water in the breast stroke?




  1. just your face.

  2. The reason why some swimmers' heads are too far down is because their head and legs' positions are incorrect.

    Your face should be tilted slightly forward and looking a few metres ahead, instead of downwards. Your butt and legs should slope slightly downwards. Try it and you will see that your head will not go below the surface and you should swim faster with less drag.

  3. The top of your head should be above the water when your gliding.  You should be gliding in the water, breast should not be a fast stroke.

  4. yes because in the glide part of the breast stroke you need to maintain a streamline position and that means your head being in line with the rest of your body. you can't achieve that if your head is sticking out above water.

  5. No - just your face.  The only way you will swim with your head all the way under the water is - when you dive in and swim on the bottom of the pool.

  6. In your streamline after coming off the wall from a dive or turn, duh yeah! During the stroke, no. It only slows you down to have your head underwater during your breast stroke stroke.

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