
Is your home in tip top shape before you leave?

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I have a few friends who are so organized that everything is tidy before they leave the house. I feel like I would only leave in the afternoon if that was the case.

I have a large home, hubby and two young boys.




  1. don't compare your self to them. they probably clean up every night before bed. then do the dishes from brakefast every morning before leaving for work. honestly it really dosen't matter how or when you clean. so there home is at it's cleanest in the mornings. it's probably not so tidy the rest of the day.

  2. Totally clean and respectable are two different things.  Yes, my house is generally respectable all the time - just in case someone stops by, etc.  But to say that I need my house to be totally clean before I leave for the day, well, that's just not true.  Before vacation, yes, because I never want to come home to a messy house...

  3. I wouldn't say that it is in tip top shape but it is definitely straightened up before I leave for work every morning.  Three things I can think of that keeps me in this routine..... 1. Picking up around the house in the morning gets my adrenaline going and ready for my day at work.  2. I have a stressful job and I know that everyday I am coming home to dinner, homework, baths, bedtime etc. and I will not have time to straighten up then.  So, it is nice to come home to a neat home.  And if I walk into the front door and my first vision is a messy home, it kicks up the stress level.  3. It is teaching my kids to be neat themselves.  Every morning I have them make their own beds, PJ's get put away, toothpaste and toothbrush go back in the drawer, etc. Hubby has to help out with his stuff too.  He sees that if he helps me keep things in order, I have more time for him at the end of the day!!  All in all, it works out for everyone.

  4. Leave for what? Work? Vacation? I don't worry about anything if I'm just going to work. If we're going on vacation though I like the house clean. Nothing worse than coming home to a dirty house after a nice vacation.

  5. cleaning is overrated.

    cleaning can wait, life won't.

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