
Is your horse's mane on the left side or the right side???

by  |  earlier

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hehe it's just a fun little question to see if you pay attention to these little things!




  1. my show horse has his mane pulled and it now lays to the right (when i originally got him years ago it was about half and half). my other horse has a long thick mane that naturally lays to the left. hes was a rescue (hes was a very sick orphan that i hand raised) and i just use him for pleasure riding so i left his mane on the side it naturally falls on.

  2. As soon as she shakes - both.

  3. it should be to the right

  4. My horse's is to the left side but my other ponies is too the right.

  5. most of the time it parted on the left except when he jumps real high, runs really fast, or shakes then the top piece of his mane goes to the right... every timeeee haha

  6. Mine are on the right...

  7. I have a TB mare with a pulled mane and it falls to the right except for one little tuft that wants to go to the left.

  8. teak- left

    chrome- left, but in some parts it lies on the right side as well.

    tulsa- right

  9. Both of my horses mane lays on the right side. I believe that most horses manes do. =]

  10. They're all to the right - except my Highland, who has a beautifully perfect centre parting.  Oh and the foals; their manes still stick up :)

  11. To the right  

  12. i have a paint gelding and his mane is parted to the right and a little bit at  the base of the withers on the right side.

  13. To the right.

  14. haha mine, when it's pulled to hunter length (which it is now and most of the time) sticks up straight. lol.

    but a little more to the right,

  15. one horse has it to the the left

    and the other two, to the right  

  16. All three of mine are to the right, or the lucky side.

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