
Is your kid always asking for money when you ask him/her to help out with something?

by Guest59801  |  earlier

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I had my daughter help me out cleaning my car the other day and she asked for payment. I tossed her a buck (she's 10) -- what's a buck? -- but she does seem to like to put a price tag on things.

In a way, I think this is good, as she will be less likely to be ripped off by people down the road. And she probably learned this by me, as I make my money through a certain art and definitely don't do freebies.

But sometimes it gets annoying. If I sell her old junk on ebay, she'll want a cut, for example.

Are your kids like this?




  1. my 13 hours old son has started to ask me cash already!!!!,,,lol

  2. Yes he does, and I tell him I will cook dinner for him and wash his clothes.  I am actually paying him minimum wage!  He takes out the trash and that takes all of 1 minute, so I give him $0.15.  When he feeds the dog, he gets $0.30.  If he makes his bed it's another $0.30.  It ends up being $5-$7 per week, for a total of 45 minutes to an hour of work.  If you pay them too much when they get into the real world, they might expect $45-$50 per hour.  My son is 8 and he is an eBay junkie, I let him keep all the money for the stuff he sells on eBay (minus shipping) and yard sales.  He knows the value of a dollar that way.

  3. well, I'm a kid. and i like it when I get paid for doing some work to help out. I don't ALWAYS ask.  I usually don't ask. But if I do a good enough job...I'm usually rewarded. But not always with money. So ask your daughter if you could substitute some thing you would BOTH like instead of paying her.

  4. Welcome to Capitalism. You grow up in China or something?

  5. No. My children always got a minimal allowance and if they wanted something they had to pay for it themselves. If they did not have enough money to get it they had to save, save, save.......which has made them all really good savers.

    I always purchased what they needed and on birthdays and Christmas got them what they wanted.....but I seldom paid them for helping out a bit extra around the house.  

  6. yes my son is just like his father and uncle how much will you pay me

    so since he is a teenager and needs something done i tell him the same thing how much are you gonna pay me to do you laundry and stuff,,  

  7. my son has that habit. after he is done with his chores he asks for 5 bucks. i am not a bank

  8. i have a 13 year old and she rarely asks but i tell her that when she does chores she will get paid sometimes for allowance and sometimes to rub my back during a show. It's very normal.....and your daughter should not just get a cut of what you sell on ebay if it was HER stuff that she wanted to sell she should get all i mean it's Hers when i have lawn sales when my daughter sells something she keeps the money it's rightfully hers

  9. Not sure yet.  My daughter's 7 and hasn't learned that yet.  Maybe she will soon.  She loves helping me clean the car, she doesn't ask for payment.  That reminds me that I promised her a buck for being a big girl when she had to get her mole removed on her forehead.  It hurt her like h**l and she cried.  She forgot all about the money I promised her......Now I feel bad. I'm going to give her a buck.

    Anyways, she does certain helpful things around the house and we don't call them chores, nor have we ever said "do it, and we'll give you a dollar."  We say "do it, or else".

  10. Yes.

    Mine earns 2 bucks each time she washes and rinses dinner dishes. So she has the potential to earn 14 bucks a week. For a 10 yr old thats the jackpot.

    She doesnt have to do it, but she is learning that if she wants spending money she needs to work for it.

    Everything else we to together, like clean house and do laundry.  

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