
Is your luteal phase always 14 days?

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I think i might be pregnant. My cycles are not regular bc i have just got off birth control 2 months ago. So i am not too sure what they are, and i havent been charting. However i had s*x with my husband day 10 and 12. I started having cramps 6 days after. Day 17-20 i had cramps. And days 21-22 (today) I have had verrrrry sore nipples. I normally dont get sore nipples before my period only breast, and i dont get cramps until days 2 or 3 before. So it just seems to early for menstraul symptoms, and maybe too early for pregnancy symptoms. But wayyy to late for ovulation signs..IM SOOOO CONFUSED! And maybe over analyzing a lil bit. But anyways yea I am going to take my first test on Wed. But i just wanted to know maybe my luetal phase is short because im still 6 days away from my period if it were to come on day 28!




  1. nope! and to let you know that even up to 22 days it can be ovulation! I ovulate usually on day 22 of my cycle and get my period on day I ovulate late and have a short luteal phase (12 days versus 14)

    and not everyone is on a 28 day cycle!

    so just keep track of what your body does..

    maybe you should start charting your BBT and CM and that will help you figure out what exactly your body does!

  2. no some ppl have short luteal phase(anything less then 10) witch can cause miscarriges or no implantation at all and some ppl have long luteal phases ranging from 18-21 i believe....your symptoms sounds gr8 good luck

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