
Is your mind paranormal enough to get to M51, without any spaceship?

by  |  earlier

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def:paranormal-mind travel or an eventhorizon[2] or arc-u-tech

def:M51 the new foundation of total freedom and exploration. form: A51 to M51.




  1. No,can you show us the way?Or,oh wise one,at least tell us what you're talking about.

  2. You got it wrong dude.

    It is M51A, NOT A51  ( it's M51A  and M51B)

    NGC 5194 is  called "M51A", and NGC 5195 is then "M51B".

    If you are confusing Zachary,

    you need to get your termination correct.

  3. Sure, but why do I need one?

  4. Gotsa bee sum knew kinda druger

  5. cuckoo!

  6. dsmnndl'knndcmnscn,dsnckldns,ncds/,nnc

    klaxon V, modulated to decode key

  7. Houston we have a problem

  8. depends... on strenght of marihuana...

  9. I'm sorry but your avatar just cracks me up hahahahahahahahahaha

  10. I blew a fuse reading the question.

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