
Is your neighbor a terrorist?

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  1. Until they are able to substantiate the claim, I'll just go right on living my life.

    Sounds like the paranoia inducing c**p normal to "police states" that want neighbors spying on neighbors to me.

  2. Only if he wears blue jeans on a weekday and carries a camera to popular tourist destinations. If he carries a satchel that makes it even more likely he's a terrorist.

    This link above is to an article that everyone sould read carefully to understand how insane it is getting in this country.

  3. no way

  4. Yes, he is I saw him buy fertiliser, he said it was for roses, I don't believe him, I think he plans to blow up my Volkswagon. He also owns a mobile phone. I'm to afraid to leave my house after watching Fox News & CNN that warned me, terrorist are every where and will remain every where until McCain is elected, only then shall we be safe!.

    I'm watching my neighbour with binoculars thru my bedroom window, his not muslim but his growing a beard, since he broke his wrist and is looking more & more like one.

  5. Sigh.... it's so obvious what they're trying to do here.....

    'Anyone could be a terrorist, even your neighbour!! You see, we did need to spy on you all along! Now give up all of your rights, your freedoms, accept the ID card/chip! Spy on your neighbour! Any of you could be the bad guy!! Give up all your liberty so we can protect you from the nasty bad guys!!!!'

    It's so pathetic.. I hope people aren't falling for it any more...

  6. I'm with Ivor Hugh!

    It's obvious to some of us and I'm guessing YOU too... what's going on here.  Once you make American Citizens into Terrorists there's no stopping the TYRANNY!  

    The REAL terrorists are within our own Government!  I'm afraid that soon they will come after those who dissent with the President and his cronies and label them as terrorists... so as not to AWAKE the sheep.  

    I know that many feel like we the People are powerless. That is wrong.  We CAN make a difference.  We hold more power than we know..The funny thing is that the government seems to understand this more than most American citizens...  That's why they're trying to keep the people from waking up.  They realize that 300,000,000 people holds a h**l of a lot of power.. that's why they're working hard at suppressing the voices of the "truth- tellers".  You see.

  7. The Al-Qaedas are everywhere, under every rock, behind every shrub! I can't leave my house anymore. And now that the TV says there are blonde-haired blue-eyed Al-Qaiders, anyone could be a terrorist! Even someone you trust!

    We all need to start reporting our neighbors to the DHS. It's patriotic. Why can't America be more like East Berlin??? There was no terror there.

    I'm so scared! I need my corporate globalist government to protect me. I can't wait to be implanted with my RFID chip, then I'll feel safe from the bad scary terrorists, like the ones that talk about the Constitution and tell me my government did 9/11. Those people need to be put in camps so they can't hurt America anymore.

    Please take our guns, loving government!

  8. "Police revealed that they are monitoring hundreds of children in a new anti-terrorism scheme which is designed to "target al-Qaeda inspired youths". ====  i knew it!  i've got to get them on to that little blond four year old across the street.  i've been saying all along he's a terrorist.

  9. Totally!

    We chose to live in this apartment complex because we're both chemistry majors!  Imagine that!

  10. No, but they might as well be all the trouble they cause!

  11. Loaded question.

    Who defines 'terrorist'??

    I consider you a fear-mongering 'terrorist' upon what little peace is left for asking such a demonic question.

    I know you - divide and conquer control-freak.

  12. I'll say yes cos I don't like him and his fat wife.

  13. How?

    With Mirror ! Mirror ! on the wall?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    With the cat out of the bag?

    Getting rip-off by a wild alley cat?

    Instead of a rabbit?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

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