
Is your password safe after the virus attack??

by  |  earlier

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WARNING === if your computer got infected by clicking on the "answers-video" virus link that has been going around, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD RIGHT NOW.

We are starting to see new answers from the spambot, putting in virus links, under the names of REAL USERS who are still innocently asking and answering themselves.

The virus steals your password and uses it to piggyback on your account.

If YOU had the virus, is YOUR password safe?

Have you changed it?

Change it on everything you have a password for.

Do it NOW.




  1. sounds like a hoax, but if it's spyware and a key logger thats getting installed then changing your password on an infected machine is not recommended as you could be showing your password, once clean change it, should be changed every month or so any way as good security practice

  2. Depending on the virus.  If it's a trojan u might be screwed.

  3. it's not my computer so what do I care...

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