
Is your school supposed to contact you when you fail?

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My friend KiKi might not pass the tenth grade and she didnt get a phone or email or letter saying she failed,does that mean she passed?Is the school supposed to contact her in some way?




  1. Congratz to her,she's going into the 11th grade.

  2. i moved about 2 times a year and this last year i came right before there testing and didn't no the stuff they were learning to i failed the testing but made honor roll all year. they did not contact us and when my mom went to sign me up for the new school i am going to this year it said i fail last year so now i am being held back it sucks hard core! so she or her parents should call and make sure she did or didn't.

  3. The school will contact the parent of guardian when the student is about to fail and the report card will indicate if the student is going to pass or fail.

  4. Yeah, your district should of sent something out.

  5. Each district would set its own policies on contact. Some might conclude that the report card alone is sufficient notice to the student that she's failed. That's typical of a financially stressed district with not enough staff.

    Of course, a good district with sufficient staff is going to contact the student's parents and request a conference or phone conference on what the best plan is to help the student get back up to speed while addressing any issues that contributed to the failures, like trouble at home, stressful situation at school, health problems, etc.

  6. The school would definitely contact her in some way

  7. If she hasnt been contacted then congrats to her she passed.

  8. who cares?

  9. At my school at least, teachers are required to send out notices to parents if students are doing D or F work. In addition, you would receive a report card at the end of the year.

    Remember, however, that high school is different from grade school. You pass or fail individual classes. If you fail a class, you get no credit for it and will have to repeat it if it was required. Whether you are classified as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior should depend on the number of credits you have earned.

    I explain all of this because it is possible  your friend does not have enough credits to be considered a junior. In which case, the school may not send out a special letter informing you of such. They assume that, since she is in high school, she can count up the credits and be aware that if she is not passing her classes, she is may not be classified as a junior.

    The short answer to you question is, yes, it's possible that your friend does not have the required credits and is still considered a sophomore. The easiest way to find out is to contact the school and ask.

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