
Is your spouse/significant other/partner a Christian and if so, did you meet in church or where did you meet?

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I'm trying to strengthen my faith and want to find someone who holds the same ideals, but it's hard to find someone like that! I just want to see if people like that exist and where you met your partner...




  1. No, I'm not either, We met oddly enough on a London Bus!

  2. Yes,  my spouse and I are religiously compatible.  We met at college.

  3. I met my husband through a mutual friend. I was curious about him, and had wanted to get to know him. I mentioned it to my friend, I didn't know he knew who I meant. Just that this person was new in the neighborhood where I lived.   I asked God if He could show me a way of getting to speak with him, as  I was too shy to just walk up to him. because of the kind of town I was in. It wasn't safe to do that.

    I was a member of the catholic church then. However I wasn't going to it. As I had a disagreement with a priest there.  I was trying to find a good church though.   When I did get the chance to speak to him. I asked him if he went to church anywhere.  So he took me to his,  So that I could see what he believed in.  He was an adventist (SDA) . At that time I felt he had a lot of the things I wanted to find in my christian walk. So I eventually joined his faith.  We work well together , most of the time.  He isn;t as strong as he once one in his walk with God. However he is trying to come back to God , in his own time though.

    When I wanted to join the Adventist church. People did put up a lot of obsticles, Saying that it wouldn't work for us. That catholics didnt convert well and would not feel comfortable. So my husband showed me the ways the faith was. and the differences between our religions.

    What I'm getting at, is sometimes we find the right person, but can't see through exterior of them.  As they maybe seeking out someone to help guide them to God. To show them there is always a light to turn to in life.  God showed me His truth through my husband. We've been married now for 20 years. I met him 22 years ago. During those first 2 years, I was learning more about him , and about God.  So I wasn't ready to make a permanent committment at that time.

    Sometimes we find the right person to be with, When we bring them into what we believe. By their own choice and willingness though, Not by forcing it on someone. Pray to God to guide you, and bring someone into your life that He has for you. Then to be able to know that person is from God.   Do it in God's time not your own.

    Remember opposites often attract to each other. That can be a good things . As it helps to guide and balance things out, then to help keep things going smooth, by finding a common ground to build a solid relationship.  It can happen for you, just don't rush it.  By rushing it, you can make a hastey choice and live to regret it.

  4. I am a Catholic and was raised in a Catholic school. I could not imagine living with someone who did not share my beliefs.  

    When I met my now husband of 50 yrs I told him that was a deal breaker. He started instructions in the religion and became a Catholic and is much more staunch than I am.

    I met him in my dads shop. Thought he was the most arrogant human I ever met. To keep this short we decided on one date. It clicked and here we are with children and grands and the entire thing.

    I would do it over again if I could

    My point here is to give the guys a chance. You don't know until you ask how they feel about it all.

  5. my partner is a catholic.  however i am not.  i am pagan.  besides a few jokes here and there about me "worshipping the devil" we really don't differ much on our ideals.  we met at a bar, and i know that normally would be a bad thing, once we started dating we have never been apart.  but our faith is a completely different story than our ideals.  our concepts of god and the after life differ so much that we don't talk about it serously very often.  

  6. No.  My girlfriend and I (since you said "significant other" I'm assuming you are an open minded Christian) do not necessarily identify  with any religion anymore.  I grew up Catholic, going to Sunday school, church, etc and she grew up baptist (down south).

    I think if we could find a religion that accepts our lifestyle as normal and healthy then we would both be willing to join.  We've thought about Unitarian, but have yet to look into it.  

  7. My husband is Catholic, i am atheist

    We met, because, we were living on the same block

    And we never discuss religion as a matter of fact life necessity.

    We respect each-others space.

  8. I'm a Christian, but my fiancee is not. We met when I was in junior high school, at the schoolyard. Oddly enough, she wasn't even a student there.

  9. both atheists, met at his house

  10. yes, we met outside a strip club. funny story.

  11. Yes, my wife is a Christian.  We met at a church sponsored dance.

  12. No.

    In a barroom.  

  13. online....he is agnostic but sweet..

    sharing beliefs doesnt guarantee good marriage....I know from experience....some men are chauvanist believers..

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