
Is your toddler this funny too?

by Guest10966  |  earlier

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I was singing the C H I C K E N song to our 3.5 yo Jack this morning

you know, the one that goes -

C is the way to begin and

H is the next letter in

and I is the near middle of the word and

C you have already heard and

K we are nearing the end

and E is the letter from the end

and C H I C K E N

that's the only way to spell CHICKEN

and Jack doesn't miss a beat

but says in a very matter of fact tone: "Um, that's not how to spell chicken, that spells Loser"


He just cracks me up - how do your toddlers make you laugh?




  1. Too funny!  Make you wonder where they pick this stuff up!!

    My daughter is 16 months and she makes me laugh every day!  She is into kissing everything.  She kisses all of her baby pictures, pictures our family members, the dog, the cats, etc.

    She also says "bye bye ___"  just before she throws something.  (i.e. "bye bye baby" then proceed to pitch her doll as far as she can!).

  2. Very cute! My five year old calls chicken parm chicken farm. Are we going to have chicken farm for supper tonight?lol

  3. I'm potty training my son and when he flushes he says "Bye! Bye! Poo-poo!" I think it's so funny!  

  4. cute!

    The latest thing my two-year-old son does that cracks me up is to say, "I don't know, ma" in a very "I give up trying to explain the world to you" kind of way...

    For example, he's trying to tell me something and it's coming out all gibberish so I ask him to repeat it a few times until he finally shrugs his shoulders, grins at me and says, "I don't know, ma." Like an exasperated teen or something. Cracks me up every time!

  5. Funny stuff.

    Our toddler is 2 yrs old and has only just started speaking. He calls me 'Diddy' for Daddy he calls his brother 'NinNan' for Nathan, he calls the 'Fishy's' (In the Aquaruim) 'Bitty's' and rather oddly that always tickles us is he calls his Mummy 'Baa' ??!! lol

    Our eldest used to call the fast food resturant Mcdonald's 'Chip farmer' this baffled us for ages until we realised he is refering to the song 'Old Mcdonald had a farm' and in his mind they were Chip farmers!!

  6. lol, adorable!!

    my daughters new thing is if she does something that she knows shes really not supposed to do, like take food from our plates, shut off the tv, or throw a toy, shell slowly back away from us looking at us the whole time till she gets around a corner or behind something, then shell slowly poke her head out to see us and when she sees us looking at her she pulls her head back in

  7. my son is crazy! He started calling me Momma at about 6 months. By 7 months, Momma became "BOB"! I have been "Bob" ever since. He can point to a picture of his grampa and says "Poppa", but he referrs to his grandma as "poppa" when he talks to her on the phone. He is such a nut. He calls football "Buttball", and he calls our neighbor Jake, "Jah". He just started really interacting with his cartoon shows, and he LOVES to say "pat, pat, pat, pat" while he pats his legs to make Rocket fly on the Little Einsteins. He also loves to scream at the top of his lungs "CLUE!!!" when he sees Blue's paw print on something. He will say "Notebook!" When Steve/Joe get it out of side tabledrawer, and he calls Dora AND Diego "Dodo". The things he comes up with already are so funny!! Oh yeah, the newest thing he just started yesterday is when he poos in his diaper, when I am opening the tabs, he will say "EWWWW" over and over again until the diaper is gone, and he is cleaned!

  8. That's adorable!!

    I can't wait for my baby to arrive. You're making me VERY excited!

    You've got a little comedian on your hands there. Reminds of something my brother would say to me as a child.


  9. I dont have a child yet but just reading your post gave me and my boyfriend laugh for the night lol.. He sounds so cute!

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