
Is your toilet a single, double, or triple flusher?

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Toilet design is like pool design.

There is a shallow end and a deep end.

If the target zone is too shallow, then multi-flushes are required to clear the debris.

It seems like water savers end up using more water in the long run.

Are you happy with your toilet?




  1. I install many American Standard Cadet toilets that are the "legal" 1.6 gallon type. No problem with flushing any of them and they sell for about $100. If you need a toilet that will flush 16 golf balls, what you really need is a Doctor, not a Plumber.

  2. Water saving toilets are a perfect example of what happens when the Government decides they can solve a problem. Same result every time. Well meaning bureaucrats make knee jerk decisions, and never seem to have to answer for their mistakes.  

    There are now some water saving designs the flush fairly well. Little consolation for the millions of us that have the ones that only flush with a toilet plunger.

    The problem still remains that there simply is not enough water in the toilet bowl on a 1.6 gallon toilet, to completely cover the waste when it is being used, allowing odors to escape. No amount of technology will likely be able to fix this.

    Just smile, and pay twice as much for a toilet that works 1/2 as good now.




    Water saver alright. We use more, plus stuff sticks to the bowl part that isn't covered with water and you have to clean it and flush again.

    American Standard   295.00   225.00 for the Plumber

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