
Is your wife "letting herself go" grounds for divorce?

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Myself and some of my first year law friends found this to be a funny but valid question. What if you marry a bombshell then she hits the fries and gravy? You can't possibly expect to have relations with your wfe when you are trying not to dry-heave. Sorry, this sounds so shallow, but c'mon, its a good question.




  1. Welcome to marriage counselor at the gym

  2. Men's baldness and beer belly should be grounds for divorce as well!!!!

  3. You are really shallow for asking and it goes both ways and you being in the LAW department would explain your shallowness

  4. can you sue on the grounds of false advertisement?

  5. "In sickness and in health. 'Til death do you part"... unless I don't like the way you look?  And then can a wife divorce a man when he starts balding? Or gets a belly? Or can't get it up? I hope law school teaches you something about legal promises.

  6. what about you guys that hit the beer and wings. those beer belly's sure can get in the way of s*x.

  7. Male Bonding...gotta love it.

    What happens if your d*ic* shrinks from all the beer and belly's you all tend to get?  Is that grounds, we all want a tool that does its business.

    Or our s*x prime is when yours is over, can we get a new model to pump our brains out when you can only *** once anymore.

  8. would you want your wife to leave you if you packed on a couple extra pounds??

  9. the guy should try to work it out by telling his wife how he feels and give her a chance to get back in shape. if there are sexual problems the couple should try to work it out first and prove it to the judge. still, that alone should not be a sole ground for divorce. because people are not in marriage only for s*x but to build a life together.

    it's sad a guy like you will have any kind of power in our legal system, not because of the question you are asking but because the tone you are asking it in is very chauvinistic. I hope you don't pass the bar.

  10. If your marriage is based on nothing but looks, then why not? It's doomed anyway.

  11. Bahahahhaaaa... it's an awesome question !!  Can't wait to see the comments on this one !!!!

  12. Unfortunately it is no where near grounds for divorse.  What about her marrying you for your money and then you go and lose it in the next 2 years?

    Grin and bear it old chap. 90% of women put on 50 pounds 5 years after marriage and many of them get double chins as well. Marriages may be  made in  heaven but are lived on this earth.  

  13. It's not a shallow question at all. Marriage is hard work and believe it or not it's the little things all balled up into one that causes divorce. If my husband asked me to lose weight, it wouldn't be a problem. I just had a baby and as soon as I can i'm losing the weight.  When he met me I was his "s**y lil ma" and I plan to stay that way!  

  14. You're going to be a lawyer. It seems like this could be but maybe indirectly. This could be the husband's or wife's reason but maybe they use another tactic. The end result is the same. I've been married a little over 2 years and I'm still looking close to the same. My hair is a bit longer but I haven't gained a pound. I still work out and have my hobbies (playing piano, got my MBA, dancing, etc.). My husband has gained weight and I should have told him but it's so hard to. It doesn't bother me. He's still the same to me. He's active. (rides a bike, goes to the gym) He keeps me laughing.  

  15. OMG I doubt a bombshell who obviously cares about her looks would hit the "fries and gravy" after she marries you! If she does, try talking to her and telling her that she needs to get back in shape (but try not to throw up on her while talking to her). I dont think you should get divorced but I think before you marry, make sure your bombshell values her looks and body!

    Now what if the man gains weight and the woman is turned off, is that ground for divorce?  

  16. I saw a gorgeous man the other day walking with his fat short ugly wife, and I thought WHY?  But you know some men are not shallow and love them no matter what.  Maybe she was a bombshell when they met.

    Everyone gains a little weight but I disagree that a woman should let  herself go the moment she gets the man. However, I think a lot of women do.

  17. No that is not grounds...

    That absolutely stupid.

    If the dude married her just cause she was hot, then it was meant to fail anyway.

    And you suck for just asking.

  18. Yeah right...tell it to the judge! hahahahahah

  19. No! Nor should it be.

    Suppose you are very handsome and marry and then you get in an accident that leaves your face messed up....are you not the same loving husband? Have you lost your value? Should she divorce you? No!

    Joy to you!

    Maybe you law students can help me prove fraud:

    He married me for financial improvement - proof email to his friend. Is that enough?

  20. inless you have a prenup  it's not grounds and any law sudents should know that.  So does a woman have the right to divorce her husband if her loses hair or lets himself go?  women are not the only one's who let themself  go.  

  21. I agree.  If the woman can keep herself looking good while single why can she not keep it up once she has a man.  Why do so many woman not try as hard after they land their man?

    But, I also see a lot of guys that do the same thing.

    Not grounds for divorce but something that deserves good communication about.

  22. Why am I not surprised you're studying to be a lawyer?  You've got that dry, not funny sense of humor befitting of an attorney.  Have you made your deal with Satan yet?

  23. i hear yeah! i married into this fine as *** thang, petite, blond, kinda looked like pamela lee anderson...k, dreaming a little bit! anyways, been married for a minute, about 8 months now and well, it sucks now that i half to lift her stomach out of the way just hit-it....yep, grounds for a divorce! i need a lawyer...

  24. Wow a very interesting and good question, I say that it all depends on why the female turned into a bum.  Did she turn into a bum because she has a disease?  Did she turn into a bum because she is taking care of children?  I think it really depends, if its just because she is too lazy to get dressed then yes.  If she is going threw something like a disease then no!  

  25. what if she countersued you for emotional abuse and alienation of affection?  citing that her horrible marriage was the reason for the weight gain.  or she sued saying that you weren't that shallow when she married you and you have become so since the wedding.  seems there are grounds there for that also.

  26. Could be lots of reasons why a woman lets herself go.

    Got Married

    Husband Cheated


    Kids Moved away

    Quit Smoking



    Woman & Men lose them selfs for lots of reasons & until you walk in their shoes don't judge.

    Sometimes it takes more of man to help her get back to her old self than it does a whimp that only cares about him self & how he looks or feels.

  27. What the h**l???

    What ever happened to "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE"????

    What the h**l is the matter with people that they can't uphold a simple promise (let alone sacred VOWS) to love, care for and respect one another FOREVER??

    No wonder society is going to h**l in a hand-basket!!

  28. It's more important to keep YOURSELF in shape. That way you can always opt for a hot lover.

  29. I don't think it is grounds for divorce but I understand what you are saying and just as much you don't find her attractive I am sure she doesn't find herself attractive and the only way she would lose the weight is if you love her unconditionally and let her feel wanted and help her lose the weight.. suggest going and doing more things that are exercise and eating healthier.

    I gained quite a bit of weight and as much as my husband told me he loved me I wasn't feeling it and now that I have lost a lot of the weight he has become more physical again.  

  30. Everyone likes to talk about the shallowness of men, and some women, because they actually take looks into consideration later on in the marriage. After all, wasn't looks that initially attracted us to our mates? Why can't a partner have some sort of expectation that the chosen mate will try and maintain some sense of "original" attractiveness throughout the marriage? After all, marriage is a contract and contracts have certain obligations to uphold.

    Furthermore, when someone says that you should accept the physical change and be happy with the person inside I think that is unreasonable. If the mate chooses to let themselves go then obviously the inside has changed as well because of the loss of trying to keep themselves in shape and healthy.

    I know that marriages are dissolved because one spouse doesn't make as much money as they once did, or that one spouse has changed emotionally, etc.

  31. What if she gets old looking in 40 years? Second tier school?

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