
Is £541K for the Sergant Pepper Drum a good investement?

by Guest62637  |  earlier

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What do you think?




  1. how much is that u.s. dollars

  2. its nice but a big house in the country and 5 horses would be better !!! i suppose its small change to some ??

  3. As a straight investment with no other business use...I would call it risky...very risky.

    If it is going to Japan and is going to be used in a bar/restaurant business then maybe it will realise a decent yield over time, otherwise rock memorabilia is a notoriously 'fashionable' business and even though The Beatles are THE is still a highly volatile long term investment.

    This sort of memorabilia is more of a hobby for already successful business people.

  4. don't know if I could drink a whole drum of Dr Pepper but the price seems high. I'd be more likely to invest in a barrel of oil.

  5. certainly not - houses. they are always worth something :D

  6. A fool and his money r soon parted. No.

    He is relying on the fact that the future generations will be interested in anything to do with The Beatles. I doubt they will be.

  7. I wouldn't have thought so, but after having to sit through an hour of some fashion programme being watched on TV tonight and hearing the designer Lagerfeld ( don't know how he spells his name) saying he has customers who spend £3 million on dresses, it's obvious that that amount of money means nothing to some.

  8. Probably not but perhaps it's peanuts to the person who bought it.

    Also the Beatles will go down as one of the most important figures of the mid to late 20th century and this is regarded as thier masterpiece so it will always have historical value.

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