
Is €200.00 a day a reasonable allowance for an eight year boy ?

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Is €200.00 a day a reasonable allowance for an eight year boy ?




  1. isnt that a bit... much, and by a bit i mean a lot. how many dollars is that! Im 13 and i get $35 a week, plus 15 for chores

  2. No. Kids that age need at least  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚‚¬500.00 a day.

  3. Wolfgang:

    You shut up and shove it. You asked a question yesterday if 100.00 a week was enough for a 10 year old.

    So no. You are a liar.


    Stop overeacting and trying to get attention. I only answered this question to express my annoyance.

  4. this  is a joke,  there's  no way  any  parent is  giving a child  $200.00 a day , and if per chance  you are then you  have to  be the worst parent alive , your  kid  will grow  up  not knowing the value of a dollar  and he or she  will probably have  a very  hard  time in  life , maybe even  turn  to  crime once the Garvy  train stops, not to mention the dangers of  getting  robed and  or becoming a drug abuser,  wow this answer was almost as absurd  as the question ,

  5. I'm 29 and don't have that much to spend a day - so, No, I don't think it's reasonable for an eight year old - unless the parents want his to be totally spoiled...

  6. No he won't be able to buy as much candy, action figures, and race cars as he NEEDS.  I'd suggest atleast 250.00 on weekdays and 550.00 on weekends

    I also hope this is a joke because no one is stupid enough to ask that.

  7. What does giving any kid an "allowance" do for the child? What are you trying to teach him by handing him money? People earn money. Unless you've hit the lottery and done absolutely zero for the money you're handing out, then give it to him. Otherwise, he should have to earn every penny he gets. Make a chore list and put a dollar value next to the chores. Make sure there are chores on there that he has to complete before he can start earning money though, or every time you want him to do something as he grows up he's going to stick his hand out.

  8. tooo much. that should be a month for a 16 year old kid an 8 year old  doesnt need an allowance

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