
Islam is the True Religion?

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If you think yes(I do, because I'm a muslim), write why you think it is....




  1. I don't think any religon is the REAL religion...

    just as long as your nice to everyone.. thats all that really should matter

  2. I-slam belongs in the arid desert wastes of the third world.

    Unfortunately, you peopl feel it too difficult to remain where you should, and instead pollute the West with your barbarisms.

    Just look at one of the latest headlines from your part of the world and tell me this is not how you would like to force us to follow

    Us, of course being the survivors of the jihad against Christians and Jews and all others who refuse to bow to the illiterate mohommadan.

    RIYADH (AFP) - Saudi Arabia's religious police have announced a ban on selling cats and dogs as pets, or walking them in public in the Saudi capital, because of men using them as a means of making passes at women, an official said on Wednesday.


    Othman al-Othman, head of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Riyadh, known as the Muttawa, told the Saudi edition of al-Hayat daily that the commission has started enforcing an old religious edict.

    He said the commission was implementing a decision taken a month ago by the acting governor of the capital, Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz, adding that it follows an old edict issued by the supreme council of Saudi scholars.

    The reason behind reinforcing the edict now was a rising fashion among some men using pets in public "to make passes on women and disturb families," he said, without giving more details.

    Othman said that the commission has instructed its offices in the capital to tell pet shops "to stop selling cats and dogs".

    The 5,000-strong religious police oversees the adherence to Wahabism -- a strict version of Sunni Islam, which also forces women to cover from head to toe when in public, and bans them from driving.

  3. Islam is the best.

    Why do these kafiroon post despisable lies?

    May Allah have mercy on their souls (not really).

  4. No, I don't quite think it is. Unless, perhaps you think that true religions advocate killing yourself whilst murdering nearby innocents so that you get your point across in a bath of blood and flying bones, and that it's a great deed, and you become a martyr? All so that you can get some virgins in "heaven?" Don't make me laugh.

  5. Being that in no scripture has God ever mentioned the word, "religion", either they are all true or they are all false.  God is the only one who can pick a true religion and he doesn't say a word.

  6. It's obviously true for you. But maybe not for me. What makes it true for your is your belief in it. My question is can you live your life peacefully within the context of your religion and have a positive impact on those around you?

  7. No I don't.  But then I happen to be a Christian, so I believe that there is only one way to heaven and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. iam muslim too and yes it is the true religion , any intellectual would say that!!

  9. Seems Odd, that Islam begin ONLY after centuries of worshiping God by others.

    Sort of like the 7th Day Adventist branching off from their roots to form a Church that teaches things more pleasing to the ear.

    I think that Islam is just another group of people who didn't like the way things were going.

    Most men are like that, if they don't like the ways things go, re-invent the wheel and call it NEW and Original.

  10. There is no "true religion"

  11. Yes the religion is definately true....But unforunately people are spreading terror using the name of Islam

  12. and this is a current event because ..... ?

  13. no just true terror

  14. Nadia, I think there are many ways to heaven and that ANY religion is merely a guidebook for one particular way to get there. I believe our purpose in this life is to grow spiritually. I don't judge anyone's religion unless it is harmful to someone else's... because I can't imagine how any God would advocate hurting innocents in his name. I do realize that there are people who do horrible things in the name of their god and that proponents of the larger religion can't stop crazies. However, I also believe that followers of a religion have a moral obligation to condemn and stop someone (or group of someones) who are doing evil in the name of their god... that it is a perversion of a religion and cannot be abided by the religion's faithful.

    I know not all Muslims are terrorists, but the vast majority of terrorists ARE Muslim. If ANYONE should be aggressively trying to stop terrorism it is YOU, because it is degrading your entire religion. You cannot be complacent or you are condoning it by looking the other way.

  15. Are you posting this is revenge for all the christians that infiltrate the Ramadan section. Lol.

    I`m not particularly religous and i don`t pretend to know a great deal about Islam. But, i do have a problem, with some of it`s attitude towards women and g*y people.

    Certain views, perhaps, coming from the extremist side of it, don`t belong in the 21st century.

    Edit - Nadia - Why have you now put, only muslims to answer it. You can`t dictate who answers your question. You`ve posted it on Current Events, not in the religous section. So, you are bound to get a lot of opposing views. Or was that the idea?

  16. Islam can only be true for those who follow it.  

    For me, what I see and read about it tells me that it is antiquated and does not really fit modern day living.

    I am glad that I was not born a Muslim because it seems to me once you are in it then there is no way out, and many people find, as they progress through their lives that their views and needs change.

    If this offends you, --  and I know how easy it is to offend a Muslim  --   then I make no apology because you did ask the question, and this is my answer.


    You clearly demonstrate my point. Do you really believe that a prophet brought (the word is brought not brang) a book down from God?  How is that possible?  It sounds like superstition to me because only a person from eons ago could possibly believe that could happen.

  17. Because of the beauty.  When I 1st saw a Qur'an (my cousin's), I thought it was both cool and very serious.  It wasn't until I actually heard parts of the Qur'an (in the movie Malcolm X, Denzel Washington was reciting Al Fatiha), I wanted to know more about the religion.

    Islam answered all the questions I had regarding God and Isa/Jesus (PBUH) and the other Prophets (PBUT).

      It's a beautiful, comprehensive way of life.

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